Molina, A.Corta, A.Martin, R.Alvarez, M.Burzio, L.Krauskopf, M.Vera, M.2021-05-272021-05-272002-07Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 295, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 582-5860006-291Xón: Scopus.The seasonal acclimatization of the carp fish demands physiological compensatory responses. The process involves profound nucleolar adjustments and remarkable changes in rRNA synthesis, which affect ribosomal biogenesis. We have documented that protein kinase CK2, whose activity is related to ribosomal protein L41 and the regulation of rRNA synthesis, was expressed in notably higher amounts in summer-acclimatized carp compared to the cold-season adapted fish. Thus, we approached the study of the functional genomics of carp L41 protein. We report the first cloning of a fish L41 gene encoding the highly conserved 25 amino acids, including approximately 1700 bp regulatory upstream region and the 3′ polyadenylation signal, plus the isolation and characterization of two different L41 cDNAs. We found a clear differential expression of L41, which follows the same pattern as protein kinase CK2β that transcribes at higher levels in the summer-acclimatized carp than it does in the winter-adapted fish.enAcclimatizationCarpCK2β subunitFishL41Ribosomal proteinamino acidcasein kinase IIcomplementary DNAprotein l41ribosome proteinadaptationDNA determinationDNA isolationgene controlgenetic codemolecular cloningGene structure of the carp fish ribosomal protein L41: Seasonally regulated expressionArtículoDOI: 10.1016/S0006-291X(02)00715-5