Orrego. F.2024-06-172024-06-172023-07-12ANUARIO DE ESTUDIOS AMERICANOS, Volume 80, Issue 1, Page103-140.1988-4273https://repositorio.unab.cl/handle/ria/57634This article studies various problems and processes such as indigenous mobility, bishopric displacement, the action of encomenderos, geography and how they participated in the political and territorial construction of the Kingdom of Chile at the beginning of the 17th century. All these elements will converge in 1626 when a diocesan synod was held in Santiago. The article argues that the entry of Huarpe Indians into the central zone of Chile promoted the construction of alternative spaces for political action, such as the synod, strengthening a model of polycentric administration of the monarchy.esIndigenous MobilityBishopsEncomenderosFrontierSynodChile17th Century⟪Los indios de tan lejos⟫. Indigenous migration, episcopal criticism and political reflection on a local synod in Southern America (Santiago de Chile, 1626)«Los indios de tan lejos». Migración indígena, crítica obispal y reflexión política en torno a un sínodo local en la América meridional (Santiago de Chile, 1626)-ArtículoATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONALhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/10.3989/aeamer.2023.1.04