Moroni, ManuelSalgado, MiguelAlbornoz, AlejandroTejeda, CarlosAlvarado-Rybak, Mario2022-09-012022-09-012018Austral Journal of Veterinary Sciences Volume 50, Issue 2, Pages 115 - 117 201807198000ón ScopusThe present study reports a case of tuberculosis in a juvenile Chilean hawk (Accipiter chilensis). Granulomas were identified in the liver, intestine and mesentery. Several of these granulomas contained acid-fast bacilli suggesting a mycobacterial infection through ingestion. Molecular diagnosis detected Mycobacterium bovis as etiological agent. Whether M. bovis infection in this Chilean hawk represents a risk for other wildlife, livestock or humans remains to be determined. © 2017 Austral journal of veterinary sciences. All rights reserved.enBovine TuberculosisMycobacterium BovisMycobacterium Tuberculosis ComplexChilean hawkInfectionSpilloverMolecular evidence for Mycobacterium bovis infection in wild Chilean hawk (Accipiter chilensis)Artículo10.4067/s0719-81322018000200115