Capasso, G.Colapietro, M.D'Orsi, S.Schipani, P.Aliverti, M.Kuncarayakti, H.Scuderi, S.Coretti, I.Campana, S.Claudi, R.Baruffolo, A.Ben-Ami, S.Biondi, F.Brucalassi, A.Cosentino, R.D'Alessio, F.D'Avanzo, P.Hershko, O.Munari, M.Rubin, A.Vitali, F.Achrén, J.Araiza-Duran, J. AntonioArcavi, I.Bianco, A.Cappellaro, E.Della Valle, M.Diner, O.Fantinel, D.Fynbo, J.Gal-Yam, A.Genoni, M.Hirvonen, M.Kotilainen, J.Kumar, T.Landoni, M.Lehti, J.Li Causi, G.Marafatto, L.Mattila, S.Pariani, G.Pignata, G.Rappaport, M.Ricci, D.Riva, M.Salasnich, B.Zanmar Sanchez, R.Smartt, S.Turatto, M.2022-09-272022-09-272018-060277-786Xón: ScopusSOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) is a unique spectroscopic facility that will operate at the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla from 2021 onward. The spectrograph will be able to cover simultaneously the UV-VIS and NIR bands exploiting two different arms and a Common Path feeding system. We present the design of the SOXS instrument control electronics. The electronics controls all the movements, alarms, cabinet temperatures, and electric interlocks of the instrument. We describe the main design concept. We decided to follow the ESO electronic design guidelines to minimize project time and risks and to simplify system maintenance. The design envisages Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) industrial components (e.g. Beckhoff PLC and EtherCAT fieldbus modules) to obtain a modular design and to increase the overall reliability and maintainability. Preassembled industrial motorized stages are adopted allowing for high precision assembly standards and a high reliability. The electronics is kept off-board whenever possible to reduce thermal issues and instrument weight and to increase the accessibility for maintenance purpose. The instrument project went through the Preliminary Design Review in 2017 and is currently in Final Design Phase (with FDR in July 2018). This paper outlines the status of the work and is part of a series of contributions describing the SOenControl Electronicsmotorized stagePLCSOXSSOXS control electronics designArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1117/12.2312780