Albanese, R.Alexandrov, A.Alicante, F.Anokhina, A.Asada, T.Battilana, C.Bay, A.Betancourt, C.Bick, D.Biswas, R.Castro, A. BlancoBoccia, V.Bogomilov, M.Bonacorsi, D.Bonivento, W.M.Bordalo, P.Boyarsky, A.Buontempo, S.Campanelli, M.Camporesi, T.Canale, V.Castro, A.Centanni, D.Cerutti, F.Chernyavskiy, M.Choi, K.-Y.Cholak, S.Cindolo, F.Climescu, M.Conaboy, A.P.Dallavalle, G.M.Davino, Bryas, P.T.De Lellis, G.De Magistris, M.De Roeck, A.De Rújula, A.De Serio, M.De Simone, D.Crescenzo, A. DiDonà, R.Durhan, O.Fabbri, F.Fedotovs, F.Ferrillo, M.Ferro-Luzzi, M.Fini, R.A.Fiorillo, A.Fresa, R.Funk, W.Walls, F. M. GarayGolovatiuk, A.Golutvin, A.Graverini, E.Guler, A.M.Guliaeva, V.Haefeli, G.J.Hagner, C.Herrera, J. C. Helovan Herwijnen, E.Iengo, P.Ilieva, S.Infantino, A.Iuliano, A.Jacobsson, R.Kamiscioglu, C.Kauniskangas, A.M.Khalikov, E.Kim, S.H.Kim, Y.G.Klioutchnikov, G.Komatsu, M.Konovalova, N.Kuleshov, S.Lacker, H.M.Lantwin, O.Manghi, F. LasagniLauria, A.Lee, K.Y.Lee, K.S.Meo, S. LoLoschiavo, V.P.Marcellini, S.Margiotta, A.Mascellani, A.Miano, A.Mikulenko, A.Montesi, M.C.Navarria, F.L.Ogawa, S.Okateva, N.Ovchynnikov, M.Paggi, G.Park, B.D.Pastore, A.Perrotta, A.Podgrudkov, D.Polukhina, N.Prota, A.Quercia, A.Ramos, S.Reghunath, A.Roganova, T.Ronchetti, F.Rovelli, T.Ruchayskiy, O.Ruf, T.Gilarte, M. SabateSadykov, Z.Samoilov, M.Scalera, V.Schmidt-Parzefall, W.Schneider, O.Sekhniaidze, G.Serra, N.Shaposhnikov, M.Shevchenko, V.Shchedrina, T.Shchutska, L.Shibuya, H.Simone, S.Siroli, G.P.Sirri, G.Soares, G.Sohn, J.Y.Sandoval, O. J. SotoSpurio, M.Starkov, N.Timiryasov, I.Tioukov, V.Tramontano, F.Trippl, C.Ursov, E.Ustyuzhanin, A.Vankova-Kirilova, G.Verguilov, V.Leonardo, N. Viegas GuerreiroVilela, C.Visone, C.Wanke, R.Yaman E.Yazici, C.Yoon, C.S.Zaffaroni, E.Saa, J. Zamora2025-01-222025-01-222024-01European Physical Journal C. Volume 84, Issue 1. January 2024. Article number 901434-6044ón: ScopusThe Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC (SND@LHC) started taking data at the beginning of Run 3 of the LHC. The experiment is designed to perform measurements with neutrinos produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC in an energy range between 100 GeV and 1 TeV. It covers a previously unexplored pseudo-rapidity range of 7.2 < η< 8.4 . The detector is located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point in the TI18 tunnel. It comprises a veto system, a target consisting of tungsten plates interleaved with nuclear emulsion and scintillating fiber (SciFi) trackers, followed by a muon detector (UpStream, US and DownStream, DS). In this article we report the measurement of the muon flux in three subdetectors: the emulsion, the SciFi trackers and the DownStream Muon detector. The muon flux per integrated luminosity through an 18 × 18 cm 2 area in the emulsion is: 1.5±0.1(stat)×104fb/cm2. The muon flux per integrated luminosity through a 31 × 31 cm 2 area in the centre of the SciFi is: 2.06±0.01(stat)±0.12(sys)×104fb/cm2 The muon flux per integrated luminosity through a 52 × 52 cm 2 area in the centre of the downstream muon system is: 2.35±0.01(stat)±0.10(sys)×104fb/cm2 The total relative uncertainty of the measurements by the electronic detectors is 6 % for the SciFi and 4 % for the DS measurement. The Monte Carlo simulation prediction of these fluxes is 20–25 % lower than the measured values. © 2024, The Author(s).enCharged ParticlesGermanium AlloysIntelligent SystemsLuminanceMonte CarloMethodsParticle DetectorsTellurium CompoundsUncertainty AnalysisDown-streamFiber TrackersIntegrated LuminosityLHC ExperimentsMuon detectorsMuon FluxProton Proton CollisionsScintillating FiberMeasurement of the muon flux at the SND@LHC experimentArtículoAttribution 4.0 International Deed (CC BY 4.0)10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12380-3