Rodriguez, JoseGarcia, CristianMora, AndresFlores-Bahamonde, FreddyAcuna, PabloNovak, MatejaZhang, YongchangTarisciotti, LucaDavari, S. AlirezaZhang, ZhenbinWang, FengxiangNorambuena, MargaritaDragicevic, TomislavBlaabjerg, FredeGeyer, TobiasKennel, RalphKhaburi, Davood ArabAbdelrahem, MohamedZhang, ZhenMijatovic, NenadAguilera, Ricardo P.2024-06-102024-06-102022-04-01IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 3927 - 3942 1 April 20220885-8993ón: ScopusThe application of model predictive control in electrical drives has been studied extensively in the past decade. This article presents what the authors consider the most relevant contributions published in the last years, mainly focusing on three relevant issues: weighting factor calculation when multiple objectives are utilized in the cost function, current/torque harmonic distortion optimization when the power converter switching frequency is reduced, and robustness improvement under parameters uncertainties. Therefore, this article aims to enable readers to have a more precise overview while facilitating their future research work in this exciting area.en-USElectrical machinemodel predictive control (MPC)variable speed drivesweighting factorsLatest Advances of Model Predictive Control in Electrical Drives - Part I: Basic Concepts and Advanced StrategiesArtÃculo10.1109/TPEL.2021.3121532