Pastor Cisneros, RaquelCarlos Vivas, JorgeAdsuar, José CarmeloBarrios Fernández, SabinaRojo Ramos, JorgeVega Muñoz, AlejandroContreras Barraza, NicolásMendoza Muñoz, María2023-11-102023-11-102022-07International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, Issue 14, July 2022, Article number 88501661-7827ón: Scopus.Background: This study aimed to translate and culturally adapt the questionnaires belonging to the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 (CAPL-2) into Spanish and to explore the reliability for its use in children and adolescents aged from 8 to 12 years. Methods: The CAPL-2 questionnaires were translated using the translation–back-translation methodology into Spanish and adapted to the Spanish context. The test–retest reliability and internal consistency of the CAPL-2 questionnaires of this Spanish version were analysed in 57 schoolchildren from a school in the region of Extremadura (Spain). Results: High internal consistency (α = 0.730 to 0.970) and test–retest reliabilities ranging from moderate to almost perfect in the knowledge and understanding domain (ICC = 0.486 to 0.888); from substantial to almost perfect in the motivation and confidence domain (ICC = 0.720 to 0.981); and almost perfect in the daily activity domain (ICC = 0.975) were found. The test–retest correlation was significantly weak to strong (r = 0.266 to 0.815) in both the motivation and confidence and knowledge and understanding domains, except for the third predilection item and the muscular endurance question. Significant test–retest differences were observed in the first intrinsic motivation item (p = 0.027) and the knowledge and understanding domain total score (p = 0.014). Conclusion: The Spanish version of the CAPL-2 questionnaires, translated and adapted to the context, are reliable measurement tools, serving to complete the full adaptation of the CAPL-2 test battery for use in children aged 8 to 12 years. © 2022 by the authors.enAssessmentChildrenCross-cultural adaptationPhysical activityPhysical educationSpanish Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 (CAPL-2) QuestionnairesArtículoCC BY 4.0 DEED Atribución 4.0 Internacional10.3390/ijerph19148850