Rubin, AdamBen-Ami, SagiHershko, OfirRappaport, MichaelDiner, OzGal-Yam, AvishayCampana, SergioClaudi, RiccardoSchipani, PietroAliverti, MatteoBaruffolo, AndreadBiondi, FedericoBrucalassi, AnnaCapasso, GiulioCosentino, RosarioD'Alessio, FrancescoD'Avanzo, PaoloKuncarayakti, HanindyoMunari, MatteoScuderi, SalvatoreVitali, FabrizioAchrén, JaniAraiza-Duran, José AntonioArcavi, IairBianco, AndreaCappellaro, EnricoColapietro, MirkoDella Valle, MassimoD'Orsi, SergioFantinel, DanielaFynbo, JohanGenoni, MatteoHirvonen, MikaKotilainen, JariKumar, TarunLandoni, MarcoLehti, JussiLi Causi, GianlucaMarafatto, LucaMattila, SeppoPariani, GiorgioPignata, GiulianoRicci, DavideRiva, MarcoSalasnich, BernardoZanmar Sanchez, RicardoSmartt, StephenTuratto, Massimo2022-09-262022-09-262018-060277-786Xón: ScopusThe Son Of X-Shooter (SOXS)1 is a medium resolution spectrograph (R ∼ 4500) proposed for the ESO 3.6m NTT. We present the optical design of the UV-VIS arm of SOXS which employs high efficiency ion-etched gratings used in first order (m = 1) as the main dispersers. The spectral band is split into four channels which are directed to individual gratings, and imaged simultaneously by a single three-element catadioptric camera. The expected throughput of our design is > 60% including contingency. The SOXS collaboration expects first light in early 2021. This paper is one of several papers presented in these proceedings2-10 describing the full SOXS instrument. © 2018 SPIE.enCatadioptric camerasEtched gratingsExpected throughputFirst orderFour-channelHigh-efficiencySpectral bandX-shooterMITS: The multi-imaging transient spectrograph for SOXSArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1117/12.2313338