Gómez Merino, CarolBanchero Afani, PieroCárdenas Caro, IgnaciaCusicanqui Cordano, AndreaMoya Labraña, FranciscaMuñoz Córdoba, CatherineYoung Ruz, GiselleFacultad de Educación. Pedagogía en Inglés.2016-06-032016-06-032015Banchero Afani, P., Cárdenas, I., Cusicanqui, A., Moya, F., Muñoz, C. and Young, G. (2015). High School students' participation and the provision of choice (tesis de grado). Universidad Andrés Bello.http://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/726Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)Participation has been studied by many researchers during the last years. Researchers and important authorities related to the educational field highlight the importance of having students who actively participate inside the classrooms. Participation promotes interaction, which is a key element in the acquisition of a new language, and for this reason, when it comes to English classes, participation becomes even more important. Even though many researchers have been focusing their studies on analyzing in-class participation, there is a lack of studies in which students’ perceptions about their own participation are considered. Due to the importance of participation, many people have tried to come out with ideas, class methodologies and techniques that could enhance participation. Little is known about the provision of choice within classes however, studies on the topic have shown that the provision of choice, when offered in an appropriate way, could be beneficial for the creation of a sense of autonomy on students, and more specifically on adolescents. For the aim of the current study to be fulfill, the provision of choice will be considered as the opportunity for the meaningful realization of the individual’s desires or preferences related to class materials. The purpose of the current study is to understand high school students’ classroom participation views, and explore whether the provision of choice could somehow influence their perceptions about participation. An explanatory study using a mixed-method research design was used. A survey, a quantitative instrument, was utilized at the beginning of this investigation in order to select 5 out of 41 students from a ninth grade of a subsidized school. Classes in the school selected for this study were focused mainly on grammar and the participation rate inside the classroom was low therefore, it was considered a perfect scenario for the current study. After the survey, a first interview was done to the five participant of this study with the purpose of knowing students’ perceptions about participation and the concept of choice. Then, an intervention in which the provision of choice was given to the students with the use of class material took place. Finally, another interview was held in order to know if students’ perceptions about participation and choice had changed after the intervention. Results showed that in general students considered participation as an important factor inside the classroom; however, they did not feel comfortable participating orally in class. Finally, the results demonstrated that the provision of choice influenced students’ perceptions about participation within English sessions.enInglésEnseñanza mediaParticipationProvision of choiceStudents’ perceptionsHigh School students' participation and the provision of choiceTesis