Molnar, Thomas AL. Sanders, JasonLeigh C, Smith,Belokurov, VasilyLucas, PhilipMinniti, Dante2023-05-192023-05-192022-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyOpen AccessVolume 509, Issue 2, Pages 2566 - 25921 January 202200358711ÓN: SCOPUSWe present VIVACE, the VIrac VAriable Classification Ensemble, a catalogue of variable stars extracted from an automated classification pipeline for the Vista Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) infrared survey of the Galactic bar/bulge and southern disc. Our procedure utilizes a two-stage hierarchical classifier to first isolate likely variable sources using simple variability summary statistics and training sets of non-variable sources from the Gaia early third data release, and then classify candidate variables using more detailed light-curve statistics and training labels primarily from OGLE and VSX. The methodology is applied to point-spread-function photometry for 490 million light curves from the VIRAC v2 astrometric and photometric catalogue resulting in a catalogue of 1.4 million likely variable stars, of which 39 000 are high-confidence (classification probability >0.9) RR Lyrae ab stars, 8000 RR Lyrae c/d stars, 187, 000 detached/semi-detached eclipsing binaries, 18, 000 contact eclipsing binaries, 1400 classical Cepheid variables and 2200 Type II Cepheid variables. Comparison with OGLE-4 suggests a completeness of around $90, $ for RRab and $lesssim 60, $ for RRc/d, and a misclassification rate for known RR Lyrae stars of around $1, $ for the high confidence sample. We close with two science demonstrations of our new VIVACE catalogue: first, a brief investigation of the spatial and kinematic properties of the RR Lyrae stars within the disc/bulge, demonstrating the spatial elongation of bar-bulge RR Lyrae stars is in the same sense as the more metal-rich red giant population whilst having a slower rotation rate of $sim !40, {km, s}{-1}{kpc}{-1}$ and secondly, an investigation of the GaiaEDR3 parallax zero-point using contact eclipsing binaries across the Galactic disc plane and bulge. © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.enbinaries; catalogues; eclipsing; general; RR Lyrae; stars; stars; surveys; variables; variablesVariable star classification across the Galactic bulge and disc with the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea surveyArtículo