Schipani, P.Claudi, R.Campana, S.Baruffolo, A.Basa, S.Basso, S.Cappellaro, E.Cascone, E.Cosentino, R.D'Alessio, F.De Caprio, V.Della Valle, M.a De Ugarte Postigo A.D'Orsi, S.Franzen, R.Fynbo, J.Gal-Yam, A.Gardiol, D.Giro, E.Hamuy, M.Iuzzolino, M.Loreggia, D.Mattila, S.Munari, M.Pignata, G.Riva, M.Savarese, S.Schmidt, B.Scuderi, S.Smartt, S.Vitali, F.2022-07-272022-07-272016-06978-151060195-6ón: ScopusSOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) will be a unique spectroscopic facility for the ESO-NTT 3.5-m telescope in La Silla (Chile), able to cover the optical/NIR band (350-1750 nm). The design foresees a high-efficiency spectrograph with a resolutionslit product of ∼4,500, capable of simultaneously observing the complete spectral range 350 - 1750 nm with a good sensitivity, with light imaging capabilities in the visible band. This paper outlines the status of the project. © 2016 SPIE.enInstrumentationSpectrographsTransientsThe new SOXS instrument for the ESO NTTArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1117/12.2231866