Hormigón bajo agua
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En las últimas décadas se han desarrollado una serie de aditivos cuyo objetivo es minimizar el efecto del lavado (cemento y finos de la arena) que se produce al hormigonar bajo agua.
Esta investigación se basa principalmente en cuantificar distintos aditivos y sus posibles combinaciones en lo que a ensayos de lavado se refiere, aplicando la norma americana CRD - C61.
Una vez definidas desde el punto de vista técnico y económico las soluciones, se aplicaron tres sistemas de hormigonado, canoa con caída libre, canoa apoyada en el molde y sistema tolva tubo (sistema Tremie).
In the last few decades, a series of admixtures have been developed in order to minimize the washing effect (loss of fines) produced when concreting under water. This investigation is mainly based on quantifying the different admixtures and their possible combinations referring to washing essays, always applying the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRD- C61. Once the solutions were defined from the technical and economical point of view, three concreting systems were applied - free fall inclined chute, testing mould supported chute, and the Tremie System.
In the last few decades, a series of admixtures have been developed in order to minimize the washing effect (loss of fines) produced when concreting under water. This investigation is mainly based on quantifying the different admixtures and their possible combinations referring to washing essays, always applying the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRD- C61. Once the solutions were defined from the technical and economical point of view, three concreting systems were applied - free fall inclined chute, testing mould supported chute, and the Tremie System.
Tesis Ingeniero Constructor
Palabras clave
Hormigón, Permeabilidad, Pruebas, Resistencia de Materiales