Propuesta de plan de manejo de residuos sólidos domiciliarios y agua residuales en la localidad de Maitencillo :estudio de un caso piloto en Cabañas Hermansen Cía. Ltda
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Maitencillo, balneario ubicado en la Región de Valparaíso, Comuna de Puchuncaví,
es uno de los destinos turísticos más reconocidos a nivel regional y nacional para la
práctica del turismo del tipo sol y playa, esto debido a que posee diversidad de
playas, buen clima, amplia oferta gastronómica y hotelera, además de estar ubicado a
menos de dos horas de la capital nacional y a una hora y media de la capital regional.
Durante la época estival Maitencillo recibe una población flotante que sobrepasa con
creces el número de habitantes estables que tiene el balneario durante todo el resto
del año, llegando a generar un colapso a nivel general de la localidad. Maitencillo, a
pesar de su popularidad, todavía tiene un alto nivel de precariedad en lo que a
infraestructura turística respecta, existiendo una carencia de un sistema de
alcantarillado que permita una adecuada disposición de las aguas residuales, teniendo
que utilizar otras alternativas como son las fosas sépticas que actualmente están, de
forma progresiva, contaminando las napas subterráneas, como también de un servicio
de agua potable apropiado que permita abastecer a los habitantes del balneario,
teniendo que comprarla o que extraer el agua a través de pozos, agua que está poco a
poco siendo contaminada por la infiltración de aguas servidas. Tampoco posee un
sistema de tratamiento y disposición de residuos sólidos domiciliarios pertinente, no
existiendo en la comuna ni un vertedero o relleno sanitario, sino que un basural como
lugar de destino final de los residuos, esto por el incumplimiento del código
sanitario, además de la falta de una infraestructura apropiada.
Es por eso que considerando lo previamente planteado, se hace necesario generar un
cambio del actual modelo de gestión de aguas residuales, como de la forma de
disponer los residuos sólidos domiciliarios. Para lograr este objetivo, se propone por
medio de la siguiente investigación el desarrollo de una Propuesta de Plan de Manejo
de Residuos Sólidos y Aguas Residuales, que permita una mejora sustancial a la
problemática vigente, apostando por lograr un manejo sustentable. Para la
elaboración de la propuesta se trabajó con un caso de estudio, la empresa hotelera
Cabañas Hermansen y Cía. Ltda., la cual ha sido una de las empresas pioneras en Maitencillo, de manera de tener un ejemplo concreto con el cual trabajar y poder
aplicar la propuesta.
Maitencillo, a resort located at Valparaíso Region, Puchuncaví Commune, is one of the most famous tourist destinations at regional and national tourism practice of sun and sand type, this is because it has a variety of beaches, great weather, wide range of cuisine and hospitality, as well as being located less than two hours from the national capital and an hour and a half of the regional capital. During the summer Maitencillo receives a floating population that far exceeds the amount of residents who have the town for the rest of the year, which generates a general collapse at the resort. Maitencillo, despite its popularity, still has a high level of precarity as far as tourism infrastructure is concerned, there is a lack of a sewage system that allows for adequate sewage disposal, having to use alternatives such as septic tanks currently are, progressing, contaminating the groundwater, as well as a proper drinking water system to supply the inhabitants of the resort, having to buy or to draw water from wells, water is slowly being polluted by the infiltration of wastewater. Neither has a relevant system of treatment and solid waste disposal, not existing in the commune or a dump or landfill, but a landfill as the final destination of the waste, this breach of health code, in addition to lack of appropriate infrastructure. That's why considering the previously raised, it is necessary to generate a change of the current model wastewater management, and the way to have domestic solid waste. To achieve this goal, it is proposed by the following research the development of a Management Plan Proposal for Solid Waste and Wastewater, which allows a substantial improvement to the existing problems, opting for achieving sustainable management. For the preparation of the proposal have worked with a case of study, the hotel company Cabañas Hermansen y Cia Ltda, which has been one of the pioneers in Maitencillo, in order to have a concrete example with which to work and to apply the proposal.
Maitencillo, a resort located at Valparaíso Region, Puchuncaví Commune, is one of the most famous tourist destinations at regional and national tourism practice of sun and sand type, this is because it has a variety of beaches, great weather, wide range of cuisine and hospitality, as well as being located less than two hours from the national capital and an hour and a half of the regional capital. During the summer Maitencillo receives a floating population that far exceeds the amount of residents who have the town for the rest of the year, which generates a general collapse at the resort. Maitencillo, despite its popularity, still has a high level of precarity as far as tourism infrastructure is concerned, there is a lack of a sewage system that allows for adequate sewage disposal, having to use alternatives such as septic tanks currently are, progressing, contaminating the groundwater, as well as a proper drinking water system to supply the inhabitants of the resort, having to buy or to draw water from wells, water is slowly being polluted by the infiltration of wastewater. Neither has a relevant system of treatment and solid waste disposal, not existing in the commune or a dump or landfill, but a landfill as the final destination of the waste, this breach of health code, in addition to lack of appropriate infrastructure. That's why considering the previously raised, it is necessary to generate a change of the current model wastewater management, and the way to have domestic solid waste. To achieve this goal, it is proposed by the following research the development of a Management Plan Proposal for Solid Waste and Wastewater, which allows a substantial improvement to the existing problems, opting for achieving sustainable management. For the preparation of the proposal have worked with a case of study, the hotel company Cabañas Hermansen y Cia Ltda, which has been one of the pioneers in Maitencillo, in order to have a concrete example with which to work and to apply the proposal.
Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
Disposición de Residuos Sólidos., Eliminación de Basura, Aspectos Ambientales