COSMOGRAIL: XVII. Time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar PG 1115+080

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We present time-delay estimates for the quadruply imaged quasar PG 1115+080. Our results are based on almost daily observations for seven months at the ESO MPIA 2.2 m telescope at La Silla Observatory, reaching a signal-to-noise ratio of about 1000 per quasar image. In addition, we re-analyze existing light curves from the literature that we complete with an additional three seasons of monitoring with the Mercator telescope at La Palma Observatory. When exploring the possible source of bias we considered the so-called microlensing time delay, a potential source of systematic error so far never directly accounted for in previous time-delay publications. In 15 yr of data on PG 1115+080, we find no strong evidence of microlensing time delay. Therefore not accounting for this effect, our time-delay estimates on the individual data sets are in good agreement with each other and with the literature. Combining the data sets, we obtain the most precise time-delay estimates to date on PG 1115+080, with Δt(AB) = 8.3+1.5 -1.6 days (18.7% precision), Δt(AC) = 9.9+1.1 -1.1 days (11.1%) and Δt(BC) = 18.8+1.6 -1.6 days (8.5%). Turning these time delays into cosmological constraints is done in a companion paper that makes use of ground-based Adaptive Optics (AO) with the Keck telescope. © ESO 2018.
Indexación: Scopus.
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank R. Gredel for his help in setting up the program at the ESO MPIA 2.2 m telescope, and the anonymous referee for his or her comments on this work. This work is supported by the Swiss National Fundation. This research made use of Astropy, a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018) and the 2D graphics environment Matplotlib (Hunter 2007). K.R. acknowledge support from PhD fellowship FIB-UV 2015/2016 and Becas de Doctorado Nacional CONICYT 2017 and thanks the LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program, her time as a Fellow has benefited this work. M.T. acknowledges support by the DFG grant Hi 1495/2-1. G. C.-F. C. acknowledges support from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan via Government Scholarship to Study Abroad (GSSA). D. C.-Y. Chao and S. H. Suyu gratefully acknowledge the support from the Max Planck Society through the Max Planck Research Group for S. H. Suyu. T. A. acknowledges support by the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Programa Inicativa Científica Milenio through grant IC 12009, awarded to The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS).
Palabras clave
Cosmological parameters, Gravitational lensing: strong, Methods: data analysis
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 616, art. no. A183.
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