Propuesta de circuito para el ecoturismo, con el fin de proteger La Jubaea Chilensis, predio ex siete hermanas, ViƱa del Mar
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El presente estudio pretende realizar en la ciudad de ViƱa del Mar, regiĆ³n de ValparaĆso, la creaciĆ³n de un Circuito para el Ecoturismo en parte del predio natural Ex Siete Hermanas para la conservaciĆ³n de la Palma Chilena (Jubaea chilensis).
Se trata de una intervenciĆ³n ecoturĆstica en el Palmar "El Salto", ubicado en el sector sur este de la comuna de ViƱa del Mar. Siendo este la tercera mayor poblaciĆ³n de Palma Chilena del paĆs, la cual no esta protegida del modo que una especie de tal importancia y peligro merece. Adaptando senderos existentes, para un gran sendero a travĆ©s de la Quebrada "El QuiteƱo".
Si bien ViƱa del Mar es una ciudad conocida internacionalmente como un destino cuya principal actividad econĆ³mica es el turismo, esta no se caracteriza por haber desarrollado un turismo de naturaleza ni de compromiso con el medio ambiente. Sin embargo mĆ”s allĆ” de satisfacer la demanda del turista extranjero a la ciudad, hoy en dĆa se requiere enriquecer al habitante y al vecino del sector, entregĆ”ndole y mostrĆ”ndole una nueva concepciĆ³n del medio y de la entretenciĆ³n en los tiempos de ocio distintas a las actividades hoy realizadas.
El estudio al interior del predio Ex Siete Hermanas arrojĆ³ la creaciĆ³n de un circuito de senderos entrelazados entre si, de manera de que a travĆ©s de ellos sea factible la realizaciĆ³n de actividades de ecoturismo asĆ como de otras relacionadas cdn el medio ambiente. Esto permitirĆ” proteger la Palma Chilena y dar a conocer otras formas de turismo sustentable donde no solo se benefician los dueƱos de los proyectos si no que tambiĆ©n la naturaleza, los vecinos y los visitantes mostrĆ”ndoles e inculcĆ”ndoles una nueva forma de utilizar sus tiempos de ocio y al mismo tiempo darle la importancia, la protecciĆ³n y el conocimiento que la Palma Chilena merece.
The purpose of the present study is the creation of an ecoturism circuit in the sector "Ex Siete Hermanas" located in the city of ViƱa del Mar, province of ValparaĆso, and aimed to preserve the Chilean Palm (Jubaea chilensis) This will be achieved trough an ecotourism intervention in the palm sector "El Salto", located southern of ViƱa del Mar. This palm sector is currently the third largest community of Chilean Palm in the country, however it is not protected in the way this species deserve according their importance within the national flora. Although ViƱa del Mar is a city internationally known for being a popular destiny for all sort of tourism activates, historically these activities ha ve not been done in harmony with the environment. Nonetheless, beyond than satisfying the demand for tourism thirst, today it is strongly necessary to intellectually enrich the people and neighbors of the area. This can be achieved by teaching them new concepts around the environment and the concept that spare time can be spent in different activities than those used today. The study within the sector Ex Siete Hermanas suggests the creation of a circuit of paths crossed between them. Thus, ecotourism activities as well as other related with the environment can be done simultaneously. This will facilitate the preservation of the Chilean palm and at the same time spread the word and teach about others concepts of sustainable tourism. In these new concepts not only the owners of the projects get benefits but the environment, neighbors and visitors, through new ways to use their spare time and through giving the Chilean palm the importance and protection that they deserve. xii
The purpose of the present study is the creation of an ecoturism circuit in the sector "Ex Siete Hermanas" located in the city of ViƱa del Mar, province of ValparaĆso, and aimed to preserve the Chilean Palm (Jubaea chilensis) This will be achieved trough an ecotourism intervention in the palm sector "El Salto", located southern of ViƱa del Mar. This palm sector is currently the third largest community of Chilean Palm in the country, however it is not protected in the way this species deserve according their importance within the national flora. Although ViƱa del Mar is a city internationally known for being a popular destiny for all sort of tourism activates, historically these activities ha ve not been done in harmony with the environment. Nonetheless, beyond than satisfying the demand for tourism thirst, today it is strongly necessary to intellectually enrich the people and neighbors of the area. This can be achieved by teaching them new concepts around the environment and the concept that spare time can be spent in different activities than those used today. The study within the sector Ex Siete Hermanas suggests the creation of a circuit of paths crossed between them. Thus, ecotourism activities as well as other related with the environment can be done simultaneously. This will facilitate the preservation of the Chilean palm and at the same time spread the word and teach about others concepts of sustainable tourism. In these new concepts not only the owners of the projects get benefits but the environment, neighbors and visitors, through new ways to use their spare time and through giving the Chilean palm the importance and protection that they deserve. xii
Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
ViƱa del Mar, RegiĆ³n de ValparaĆso, Ecoturismo, Palma Chilena (Jubaea chilensis), Chile