Aproximación al tema de la infertilidad desde un análisis descriptivo de los estilos de apego temprano.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La infertilidad puede tener diversas causas y estas pueden estar presentes en uno o
ambos miembros de la pareja. Dentro de la población de parejas infértiles es posible
encontrar casos en los que no se encuentra una causa fisiológica que explique la
imposibilidad de lograr el embarazo. Estos casos se han clasificado como infertilidad
psicógena dado que al no conocerse las causas se plantea la posibilidad de que los
mecanismos psicológicos estén sustentando esta condición.
La perspectiva que se ha adoptado en este seminario esta referida a la teoría del apego y
las implicancias que éste pueda tener en el problema de la infertilidad psicógena. La
hipótesis de la presente investigación es que los problemas de apego podrían estar
relacionados con la etiopatogenia de la infertilidad psicógena. El objetivo es describir la
infertilidad psicógena y sus implicancias desde la teoría del apego.
Esta investigación es una aproximación preliminar que pretende sentar las bases para
futuros estudios que describan los patrones de apego que presentan las personas con
infertilidad psicógena en nuestro país.
lnfertility is a condition that may have several causes that might be present in either person of the couple. Within the population of infertile couples is possible to find cases that do not have physiological causes that account for the difficulties of getting pregnant. These cases have been classified as psychogenic infertility since the absence of known causes gives place to the possibility that underlying psychological mechanisms could be involved in this condition. This seminar adopts a perspective that emphasizes the attachment theory and the possible consequences that this might have on psychogenic infertility. The hypothesis suggests that attachment disturbances could be related to the ethiopathogeny of psychogenic infertility. Therefore, the aim of this research is to describe psychogenic infertility and its consequences from this point of view. The present study is a preliminary approach that aims to set the grounds for future researches that describe attachment pattems on cases of psychogenic infertility in our country.
lnfertility is a condition that may have several causes that might be present in either person of the couple. Within the population of infertile couples is possible to find cases that do not have physiological causes that account for the difficulties of getting pregnant. These cases have been classified as psychogenic infertility since the absence of known causes gives place to the possibility that underlying psychological mechanisms could be involved in this condition. This seminar adopts a perspective that emphasizes the attachment theory and the possible consequences that this might have on psychogenic infertility. The hypothesis suggests that attachment disturbances could be related to the ethiopathogeny of psychogenic infertility. Therefore, the aim of this research is to describe psychogenic infertility and its consequences from this point of view. The present study is a preliminary approach that aims to set the grounds for future researches that describe attachment pattems on cases of psychogenic infertility in our country.
Tesis (Magíster en Psicología Clínica)
Palabras clave
Infertilidad, Aspectos Psicológicos