Propuesta metodológica para la educación superior sobre el medio ambiente y su vinculación con la actividad física, deporte y recreación
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Basados en la observación empírica y la posterior comprobación de lo observado, nace esta propuesta para crear en el estudiante universitario el interés de cuidar y mitigar desde su perspectiva profesional el daño que como humanidad le hemos provocado al medio ambiente y por ende a nosotros mismos. A partir de este trabajo se recopila información en cuanto a los conocimientos que debería tener los estudiantes de Educación Superior en relación a temas del medio ambiente, que importancia le atribuyen y cómo afecta a su formación profesional.
Desde el análisis de resultado se comprueba la falta de conocimientos sobre el medio ambiente dando origen a una propuesta curricular que busca entregar los contenidos de la Educación Ambiental junto con la Actividad física y deportiva en contacto con la naturaleza y así lograr una sensibilización hacia el medio natural.
Esta propuesta curricular esta diseñada para ser aplicada en forma transversal a la formación profesional del estudiante universitario.
Based in the empirical observation and the subsequent verification of what has been observed, this proposal has been presented with the intention to motivate in the universitary students of taking care of the world and create their own point of view about the damage that we've done to the environment as humanity and the damage that we've done to ourselves. This work collects all the information on knowledge that university students should have in relation to environmental subject matter, their significance and how their vocational training could be affect by this. The analysis demonstrates a lack of knowledge about the environment, what produce a proposal based on studies which try to expose the contents of the Environmental Education with the physical activities and sporting activities in touch with the nature and then be able to form a sensitization towards the natural environment. This proposal has been designed to be applied jointly to the vocational training of students.
Based in the empirical observation and the subsequent verification of what has been observed, this proposal has been presented with the intention to motivate in the universitary students of taking care of the world and create their own point of view about the damage that we've done to the environment as humanity and the damage that we've done to ourselves. This work collects all the information on knowledge that university students should have in relation to environmental subject matter, their significance and how their vocational training could be affect by this. The analysis demonstrates a lack of knowledge about the environment, what produce a proposal based on studies which try to expose the contents of the Environmental Education with the physical activities and sporting activities in touch with the nature and then be able to form a sensitization towards the natural environment. This proposal has been designed to be applied jointly to the vocational training of students.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de la Actividad Física y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Ejercicio Físico, Educación Superior, Aspectos Ambientales