Influencia del esponjamiento de la arena en hormigón confeccionado en obra
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La dosificación del hormigón es estudiada para que éste tenga ciertas características
predeterminadas, la principal de las cuales es su resistencia mecánica a compresión.
Sin embargo, al producirlo en obra, estas características varían de una amasada a otra,
a causa de errores de mediciones o variaciones de las propiedades de los materiales u
otras razones que se generan en la faenas de hormigón.
El presente estudio tiene por finalidad establecer procedimientos y controles, para una
adecuada elaboración del hormigón en obra, además de investigar los efectos que se
generan en el hormigón cuando se dosifica la arena por volumen aparente con
diferentes porcentajes de humedad.
Al realizar los ensayes de hormigón, se trata de analizar las propiedades en estado
fresco y endurecido, sobre la trabajabilidad, resistencia y del rendimiento del hormigón,
estos ensayes se realizaron en el laboratorio de la Escuela de Ingeniería en
Construcción de la Universidad Andrés Bello.
The metering of the concrete is studied so that this it has certain predetermined characteristics, main of which it is its mechanical resistance to compression. Nevertheless, when producing it in work, these characteristics vary of one kneaded to another one because of errors of measurements or variations of the properties of the materials or other reasons that are generated in the tasks of the concrete. The present study has by purpose of establishing procedures and controls for a suitable elaboration of the work concrete, besides to investigate the effects that are generated in the concrete, when the sand is dosed by volume it pretends with different percentage from humidity. When making the concrete tests, are to analyze the properties in fresh state and hardened, on the working, resistance and of the yield of the concrete, these tests were made, in the Laboratory of the School of Engineering in Construction of the University Andres Bello.
The metering of the concrete is studied so that this it has certain predetermined characteristics, main of which it is its mechanical resistance to compression. Nevertheless, when producing it in work, these characteristics vary of one kneaded to another one because of errors of measurements or variations of the properties of the materials or other reasons that are generated in the tasks of the concrete. The present study has by purpose of establishing procedures and controls for a suitable elaboration of the work concrete, besides to investigate the effects that are generated in the concrete, when the sand is dosed by volume it pretends with different percentage from humidity. When making the concrete tests, are to analyze the properties in fresh state and hardened, on the working, resistance and of the yield of the concrete, these tests were made, in the Laboratory of the School of Engineering in Construction of the University Andres Bello.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Hormigón, Aditivos, Investigaciones