InstalaciĆ³n solar A.C.S. en edificios
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Actualmente insertos en una realidad que afecta directamente el diario vivir, el problema
energƩtico estƔ presente desde ya hace muchos aƱos.
Sin haber tomado el verdadero peso a la situaciĆ³n, se sigue haciendo caso omiso a un
futuro provisoriamente dependiente de los combustibles no renovables cuyos costos
van en un constante aumento. El no aprovechamiento de las energĆas que entrega el
medio ambiente lleva a concluir que existe un problema por resolver.
En la bĆŗsqueda de alternativas frente a esta crisis los chilenos deben ampliar su matriz
energĆ©tica, como es el aprovechamiento de la energĆa solar en edificios habitacionales,
para el calentamiento de aguas sanitarias por intermedio de captadores solares.
El objetivo de lo anterior es entregar una visiĆ³n de los aspectos mĆ”s relevantes en el
diseƱo y dimensionamiento de los proyectos solares, que es una tecnologĆa de apoyo
ya comprobada para una disminuciĆ³n en los costos de calentamiento de agua
reflejados en las cuentas de gastos comunes en edificios.
At the moment we have been inserted in a reality that directly affects our day to day, the energy problem has been our companion since many years. Without to have take the true weight to the situation, we continued making contingency not coveret by law, to a dependent future of nonrenewable fuels, and the costs of these which they go in a constant increase. On the other hand, if we don't take avantage of the energies provided by nature, we can conclude that we have a problem to solve In the search of alternatives this crisis, Chileans must to expand their energy matrix, as is the advantage of the solar energy in residential buildings for the sanitary water heating through solar receiver. The objetive of the previous is to give a visiĆ³n of the most interesting aspects in the dising and sizing of the solar projects that are technology of support already verified, for a diminution in the costs of wĆ”ter heating, reflected in the accounts of expenses common in building.
At the moment we have been inserted in a reality that directly affects our day to day, the energy problem has been our companion since many years. Without to have take the true weight to the situation, we continued making contingency not coveret by law, to a dependent future of nonrenewable fuels, and the costs of these which they go in a constant increase. On the other hand, if we don't take avantage of the energies provided by nature, we can conclude that we have a problem to solve In the search of alternatives this crisis, Chileans must to expand their energy matrix, as is the advantage of the solar energy in residential buildings for the sanitary water heating through solar receiver. The objetive of the previous is to give a visiĆ³n of the most interesting aspects in the dising and sizing of the solar projects that are technology of support already verified, for a diminution in the costs of wĆ”ter heating, reflected in the accounts of expenses common in building.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Edificios con CalefacciĆ³n Solar, EnergĆa Solar, InstalaciĆ³n