RelaciĆ³n entre la sociedad actual y el ejercicio de la sexualidad de personas en situaciĆ³n de discapacidad intelectual leve: perspectiva desde la terapia ocupacional
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La presente investigaciĆ³n cualitativa tiene como objetivo principal
comprender la relaciĆ³n entre la sociedad disciplinaria y las diversas
experiencias respecto a la sexualidad de personas en situaciĆ³n de discapacidad
intelectual leve de la regiĆ³n de ValparaĆso, identificando elementos contextuales
y vivenciales y la descripciĆ³n de los distintos elementos representativos de la
sociedad de poder en la que estƔn inmersos este grupo minoritario. Siendo la
sexualidad un tema relevante para nuestra profesiĆ³n de Terapia Ocupacional,
ya que se evidencia un vacĆo de informaciĆ³n y es considerada una actividad
significativa y bƔsica de la vida diaria. AdemƔs, es importante destacar que la
presente investigaciĆ³n estima conveniente analizar la sexualidad vista desde las
relaciones socio afectivas, las que son consideradas parte de la vida cotidiana
de las personas en su relaciĆ³n con otros, y no vista puramente desde el Ć”mbito
biolĆ³gico. A travĆ©s de un estudio exploratorio y la utilizaciĆ³n de entrevistas
semiestructuradas posteriormente analizadas bajo categorĆas emergentes, se
recopilĆ³ informaciĆ³n sobre las vivencias de su sexualidad y experiencias socio
afectivas que se asocian al goce de esta y cĆ³mo han sobrellevado los diferentes
tipos de control y consecuente discriminaciĆ³n, al ser partĆcipes de nuestra
sociedad de poder, problematizando en cuanto a la cotidianidad que evidencia
las construcciones de la cultura.
The main objective of this qualitative research is to understand the relationship between the disciplinary society and the diverse experiences regarding the sexuality of people in a situation of mild intellectual disability in region of ValparaĆso, identifying contextual and experiential elements and the description of the different representative elements of the power of the society in which this minority group is immersed. Sexuality is being a relevant issue for our profession of Occupational Therapy; it is considerable to mention that there is a loss of information and is considered a significant and basic activity of daily life. In addition, it is important to emphasize that this investigation considers it convenient to analyze the sexuality from the socio affective relationships which are considered part of the daily life of people in their relationship with others, and not seen purely from the biological field. Through an exploratory study and the use of semi-structured interviews analyzed later under emerging categories. The information was collected on the experiences of their sexuality and socioaffective experiences that are associated with the enjoyment of this and how they have overcome the different types of control and consequent discrimination, to be participants in our society of empowerment, and the problematization in terms of everyday life that evidences the constructions of culture.
The main objective of this qualitative research is to understand the relationship between the disciplinary society and the diverse experiences regarding the sexuality of people in a situation of mild intellectual disability in region of ValparaĆso, identifying contextual and experiential elements and the description of the different representative elements of the power of the society in which this minority group is immersed. Sexuality is being a relevant issue for our profession of Occupational Therapy; it is considerable to mention that there is a loss of information and is considered a significant and basic activity of daily life. In addition, it is important to emphasize that this investigation considers it convenient to analyze the sexuality from the socio affective relationships which are considered part of the daily life of people in their relationship with others, and not seen purely from the biological field. Through an exploratory study and the use of semi-structured interviews analyzed later under emerging categories. The information was collected on the experiences of their sexuality and socioaffective experiences that are associated with the enjoyment of this and how they have overcome the different types of control and consequent discrimination, to be participants in our society of empowerment, and the problematization in terms of everyday life that evidences the constructions of culture.
Tesis (Terapeuta Ocupacional)
Palabras clave
Personas con Discapacidad Mental, Conducta Sexual, Aspectos Sociales