Propuesta de producto ecoturístico "Circuito Interpretativo las Pancoras" en fundo La Empastada; V Región de Valparaíso, Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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RESUMEN: La principal actividad económica que ha permitido subsistir a la familia Sutil
Servoin en el Fundo La Empastada, situado en la Comuna de Zapallar en la V
región de Valparaíso; ha sido la ganadería extensiva hace mas de 60 años, la cual
se mantiene pese a la tentativa rentabilidad de la agricultura o el crecimiento
inmobiliario en la zona. Cabe señalar que gracias a ésta si bien el fundo presenta
grandes extensiones de pastizales, ha permitido la subsistencia de relictos de
bosque y matorral esclerófilo con influencia costera proveyendo un hábitat
considerable para numerosas especies en categorías de conservación, endémicas
y/o insuficientemente estudiadas. Es decir, de la totalidad de 1000 hectáreas del
campo, se conserva una gran parte con bosques adultos de Belloto del Norte
(Belschimedia myersii), otras con renoval y una suficiente cantidad y singularidad
de atractivos turísticos los cuales podrían constituir una importante fuente de
ingresos que si se pusiera en marcha un producto ecoturístico de forma adecuada y
responsable, podría ser una nueva forma rentable de hacer un uso racional de
estos recursos naturales.
La propuesta es precisa, para poner en marcha y que el ecoturismo sea una
oportunidad concreta de desarrollo para el lugar y la gente que habita en la zona,
es necesario un diseño de este producto que considere las variables que el
ecoturismo implica, el cual se llevará a cabo en esta propuesta.
ABSTRACT: The Sutil Servoin Family has lived from the "Fundo La Empastada" field for more than sixty years, which the principal economic activity has been cattle. Despite the fact that agriculture or selling land for beach resorts or houses seems to project a more rentable future. La Empastada Ranch has sorne transformed lands; but a big portion of this propriety has been to conserve the creeks and boarders with relicts of evergreen forest and scrubs with many endangered, endemic, and unstudied species. The Belloto del Norte's (Belschimedia myersii) forest and many others which depend on each ~ther. These conditions constitute a special tourist attraction which could get a complementary income for the farm, if a good ecotourist product was implemented responsibly. It would be a new way to make a sustainable use of this charismatic land. The proposal is precise, to implement any kind of responsible tourism as a concrete opportunity of sustaintable development for the area and the local people. It is absolutely necessary for a detailed design of the plan, considering directly the issues of ecotourism which this document entails.
ABSTRACT: The Sutil Servoin Family has lived from the "Fundo La Empastada" field for more than sixty years, which the principal economic activity has been cattle. Despite the fact that agriculture or selling land for beach resorts or houses seems to project a more rentable future. La Empastada Ranch has sorne transformed lands; but a big portion of this propriety has been to conserve the creeks and boarders with relicts of evergreen forest and scrubs with many endangered, endemic, and unstudied species. The Belloto del Norte's (Belschimedia myersii) forest and many others which depend on each ~ther. These conditions constitute a special tourist attraction which could get a complementary income for the farm, if a good ecotourist product was implemented responsibly. It would be a new way to make a sustainable use of this charismatic land. The proposal is precise, to implement any kind of responsible tourism as a concrete opportunity of sustaintable development for the area and the local people. It is absolutely necessary for a detailed design of the plan, considering directly the issues of ecotourism which this document entails.
Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
Ecoturismo -- Chile -- Valparaíso.