Estabilización de suelos cohesivos con cal
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer la Cal como estabilizador
de suelos en obras viales, analizando la influencia de este producto en un suelo de alta
El trabajo comienza con una investigación minuciosa de la estabilización de suelos con
Cal, de acuerdo a la bibliografía encontrada.
Luego se presenta las propiedades de los suelos cohesivos, la cal y la metodología de
su aplicación, como estabilizador de suelos. Así también se señalan los materiales y
métodos utilizados para evaluar este producto por intermedio de ensayes de
laboratorio, estudiando los efectos sobre las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del suelo.
Además se realiza un análisis técnico-económico de la solución respecto a otra de
carácter tradicional, comúnmente utilizada en nuestro país. Este análisis, se realizó de
acuerdo a un supuesto de diseño, en donde, se calcularon las características de la base
estructural para un pavimento flexible de acuerdo a los datos obtenidos en laboratorio.
Como conclusión general se puede validar el producto como una alternativa concreta
para la estabilización de suelos, ya que, debido a la capacidad de mejorar las
características básicas del suelo, aportando capacidad de soporte al mismo, sin
embargo por deficiencias, principalmente económicas, el producto no se puede
presentar como solución óptima al problema.
This investigation has a main objective, this is expose the Calcium Oxide (CaO) as a soil stabilizer on road works, analyzing the influence of this product on highly plastic soil. The research starts with a detailed study of the soil stabilization utilizing Calcium Oxide, according to the reference found. Afterwards are shown the properties of the cohesive soils, Calcium Oxide and the methods to apply as a soil stabilizer, as well as the materials and methods used to evaluate this type of product through laboratory testing the direct effects over the physic and mechanical properties of the soil. Also are obtained technical and economic analysis over the data comparing to a typical solution, commonly used in our country. This analysis was done according to a model where the structural base course characteristics are calculated for a flexible pavement in accordance with the data obtained from the laboratory. We can conclude that the product is a useful alternative to soil stabilization because the possibility to improve the basic characteristic of the soil, increasing the bearing capacity. However, and because the economic deficiencies, it cannot be presented as an optimal solution to the problem.
This investigation has a main objective, this is expose the Calcium Oxide (CaO) as a soil stabilizer on road works, analyzing the influence of this product on highly plastic soil. The research starts with a detailed study of the soil stabilization utilizing Calcium Oxide, according to the reference found. Afterwards are shown the properties of the cohesive soils, Calcium Oxide and the methods to apply as a soil stabilizer, as well as the materials and methods used to evaluate this type of product through laboratory testing the direct effects over the physic and mechanical properties of the soil. Also are obtained technical and economic analysis over the data comparing to a typical solution, commonly used in our country. This analysis was done according to a model where the structural base course characteristics are calculated for a flexible pavement in accordance with the data obtained from the laboratory. We can conclude that the product is a useful alternative to soil stabilization because the possibility to improve the basic characteristic of the soil, increasing the bearing capacity. However, and because the economic deficiencies, it cannot be presented as an optimal solution to the problem.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Estabilización de Suelos, Suelos, Cal, Pruebas