El diseño del ambiente educativo en las aulas de Educación Parvularia, como facilitador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en niveles medios
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El currículum nacional de Educación Parvularia contempla el ambiente educativo
como un elemento esencial en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje de los niños y las
niñas. Es por lo que se vuelve relevante conocer de qué manera los/as educadores/as
organizan el ambiente educativo considerando tres elementos fundamentales, el espacio y
recursos, la organización del tiempo y las interacciones pedagógicas. Por ende, la
investigación pretende dar cuenta de los elementos que componen el ambiente educativo,
desde el punto de vista teórico y cómo son abordados por los/as educadores/as de párvulos
principalmente en sus experiencias en niveles medios. El diseño de esta investigación es
de tipo fenomenológico, en donde se analiza la información desde el enfoque cualitativo.
Por lo tanto, se utiliza un instrumento de muestra homogénea, en donde se consultó a 49
Educadores/as de Párvulos a través de una encuesta pre-estructurada, en la cual se
utilizaron preguntas de selección múltiple y preguntas abiertas, con el objetivo de analizar
las distintas prácticas que se utilizan para poder diseñar un ambiente educativo en los
niveles medios. En base a esto se pudo evidenciar la importancia que los/as educadores/as
le otorgan a la etapa evolutiva en la cual se encuentran los/as niños/as para diseñar un
ambiente de aprendizaje favorecedor en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
The national curriculum for Early Childhood Education considers the educational environment as an essential element in the teaching-learning process of boys and girls. That is why it becomes relevant to know how educators organize the educational environment considering three fundamental elements, space and resources, organization of time and pedagogical interactions. Therefore, the research aims to account for the elements that make up the educational environment, from a theoretical point of view and how they are addressed by early childhood educators mainly in their experiences at middle levels. The design of this research is phenomenological, where the information is analyzed from a qualitative perspective. Therefore, a homogeneous sample instrument was used, where 49 Early Childhood Educators were consulted through a pre-structured survey, in which multiple-choice and open-ended questions were used, in order to analyze the different practices that are used to design an educational environment at the middle levels. Based on this, it was possible to demonstrate the importance that educators give to the evolutionary stage in which children are in designing a favorable learning environment in the teaching-learning process.
The national curriculum for Early Childhood Education considers the educational environment as an essential element in the teaching-learning process of boys and girls. That is why it becomes relevant to know how educators organize the educational environment considering three fundamental elements, space and resources, organization of time and pedagogical interactions. Therefore, the research aims to account for the elements that make up the educational environment, from a theoretical point of view and how they are addressed by early childhood educators mainly in their experiences at middle levels. The design of this research is phenomenological, where the information is analyzed from a qualitative perspective. Therefore, a homogeneous sample instrument was used, where 49 Early Childhood Educators were consulted through a pre-structured survey, in which multiple-choice and open-ended questions were used, in order to analyze the different practices that are used to design an educational environment at the middle levels. Based on this, it was possible to demonstrate the importance that educators give to the evolutionary stage in which children are in designing a favorable learning environment in the teaching-learning process.
Tesis (Educación Parvularia)
Palabras clave
Educadoras de Párvulos, Rol Profesional, Prácticas Pedagógicas, Ambiente Escolar, Estrategias de Enseñanza, Planificación Colaborativa