Determinación de la influencia del periodo reológico en las resistencias mecánicas del homigón
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El proyecto Determinación de la influencia del período elógico en las resistencias mecánicas del hormigón se enfocará solo en dos variables que participan en la obtención de la formación del hormigón: la resistencia mecánica y el aditivo (retardador de fraguado).
La resistencia mecánica a 28 días es una de las propiedades más importantes del hormigón puesto que esta determina los esfuerzos a los cuales puede estar sometida una estructura. Frente a esto, es fundamental para la seguridad de cualquier proyecto de construcción conocer todos aquellos agentes que inciden en la obtención de una adecuada resistencia para evitar así fallas estructurales. El período reológico, razón agua/cemento, áridos, calidad del agua de amasado, aditivos, cemento, contenido de aire, temperatura, edad y curado del hormigón son
algunos de los factores que participan en la obtención de las resistencias finales.
Se elaboraran probetas cubicas de hormigón a las cuales se les adicionara diversas cantidades de aditivos retardadores de fraguado con el fin de determinar la relación que existe entre el aumento en el período reológico y las resistencias mecánicas finales obtenidas.
The project determination of the influence of theology period in the mechanical resistance of the concrete would only focus in two variables that participate in the obtaining of the formation of the concrete: the mechanical resistance and the additive (delaying of setting). The mechanical resistance to 28 days is one of the most important properties of the concrete since this determines the efforts to which it can be put under a structure. Against this, it is fundamental for the security of any project of construction to meet all those agents who affect the obtaining of a suitable resistance to avoid structural faults thus. The theology period, reason water/cement, barren, quality of the kneaded, air additives, cement, content, temperature, age and cured water of the concrete are some of the factors that participate in the obtaining of the final resistance. Cubical concrete test tubes will be elaborated to which it added diverse amounts to them of delaying additives of setting with the purpose of to determine the relation that exists between the increase in the theology period and the obtained final mechanical resistance.
The project determination of the influence of theology period in the mechanical resistance of the concrete would only focus in two variables that participate in the obtaining of the formation of the concrete: the mechanical resistance and the additive (delaying of setting). The mechanical resistance to 28 days is one of the most important properties of the concrete since this determines the efforts to which it can be put under a structure. Against this, it is fundamental for the security of any project of construction to meet all those agents who affect the obtaining of a suitable resistance to avoid structural faults thus. The theology period, reason water/cement, barren, quality of the kneaded, air additives, cement, content, temperature, age and cured water of the concrete are some of the factors that participate in the obtaining of the final resistance. Cubical concrete test tubes will be elaborated to which it added diverse amounts to them of delaying additives of setting with the purpose of to determine the relation that exists between the increase in the theology period and the obtained final mechanical resistance.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Reología, Hormigón, Resistencia de Materiales