Innovaciones aplicables a la pavimentación urbana de hormigón en la zona sur de Chile (Xa región)
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Para nadie es un secreto que las estrechas calles de adoquines de Santiago y regiones
de principios del siglo XX quedaron reducidas a fotografías en blanco y negro, dando
paso a imponentes autopistas de hormigón y asfalto. Sin embargo, seguramente
muchos desconocen la transferencia tecnológica que avanza rápidamente tras las
innovaciones en la construcción de pavimentos en Chile, un esfuerzo que congrega a
autoridades, universidades, institutos y proveedores del sector.
No obstante los pavimentos de hormigón tradicional o pavimentos rígidos son
diseñados en el país de acuerdo con el método norteamericano AASHTO. En su
preparación se utiliza agua para amasado, árido grueso (grava, ripio o chancado de
tamaño máximo 40 a 50 [mm]), árido intermedio (gravilla) fino (arenas) y aditivos
plastificantes. En climas con hielo o cuando se usa pavimentadora de molde deslizante,
se agrega un aditivo incorporador de aire.
Su proceso constructivo básicamente consiste en la ejecución de una base estabilizada
de bajo espesor y la construcción de una losa de hormigón de 18 a 30 [cm] de espesor,
que se puede construir en fajas de 3,5 a 7 [m] de ancho. Las empresas hormigoneras
recomiendan que la subrasante esté bien drenada, compactada y sea de naturaleza
adecuada y uniforme para soportar las cargas.
El hormigón se prepara con maquinaria especial para vibración, compactación y
acabado superficial. Una vez terminada la pavimentación, la apertura al tránsito se
realiza, dependiendo del tipo de hormigón, a las 12 horas y no más de 5 días de
ejecutado, alcanzando una vida útil de 20 a 35 años con mantenciones como sellado de
Las principales técnicas de reparación y construcción de los pavimentos de hormigón
provienen de EE.UU. y Europa, se desarrollan en Chile a través de proveedores,universidades y el Instituto Chileno del Hormigón (ICH). Las innovaciones en
tecnologías de construcción se relacionan con hormigones especiales para la velocidad
de ejecución y uso del pavimento, las técnicas de reparación , y la variación en los anchos y espesores de las losas.
anchos y espesores de las losas.
It is no secret that the narrow cobblestone streets of Santiago and regions of the early twentieth century were reduced to black and white photographs, giving way to towering concrete and asphalt highways. But surely many are unaware that technology transfer is progressing rapidly after innovations in the construction of pavements in Chile, an effort that brings together authorities, universities, institutes and industry suppliers. However the traditional concrete pavement or rigid pavements are designed in the country according to the American method AASHTO. In its preparation requires water for kneading, dry bulk (gravel, gravel crushing or maximum size of 40 to 50 [mm]), intermediate aggregate (gravel) fine (sand) and plasticizer additives. In climates with ice or when using paver mold slider, add an additive incorporation of air His constructive process basically involves the implementation of a stabilized low thickness and the construction of a slab of concrete 18 to 30 (cm) thick, which can be built in strips of 3.5 to 7 (m) wide. Companies mixers recommends that the sub flush is well drained, compacted and be uniform in nature and adequate to support the charges. Concrete is prepared with special machinery for vibration, compaction and surface finish. Once the paving, the opening to traffic takes place, depending on the type of concrete, at 12 hours and no more than 5 days executed, with a lifespan of 20 to 35 years with maintenance and sealing gaskets. The main technical repair and construction of concrete pavements come from U.S. and Europe, are developed in Chile across providers, universities and the Chilean Institute of Concrete (ICH). The innovations in building technology related to special concrete for speed of implementation and use of pavement, repair techniques, and the variation in width and thickness of the slabs.
It is no secret that the narrow cobblestone streets of Santiago and regions of the early twentieth century were reduced to black and white photographs, giving way to towering concrete and asphalt highways. But surely many are unaware that technology transfer is progressing rapidly after innovations in the construction of pavements in Chile, an effort that brings together authorities, universities, institutes and industry suppliers. However the traditional concrete pavement or rigid pavements are designed in the country according to the American method AASHTO. In its preparation requires water for kneading, dry bulk (gravel, gravel crushing or maximum size of 40 to 50 [mm]), intermediate aggregate (gravel) fine (sand) and plasticizer additives. In climates with ice or when using paver mold slider, add an additive incorporation of air His constructive process basically involves the implementation of a stabilized low thickness and the construction of a slab of concrete 18 to 30 (cm) thick, which can be built in strips of 3.5 to 7 (m) wide. Companies mixers recommends that the sub flush is well drained, compacted and be uniform in nature and adequate to support the charges. Concrete is prepared with special machinery for vibration, compaction and surface finish. Once the paving, the opening to traffic takes place, depending on the type of concrete, at 12 hours and no more than 5 days executed, with a lifespan of 20 to 35 years with maintenance and sealing gaskets. The main technical repair and construction of concrete pavements come from U.S. and Europe, are developed in Chile across providers, universities and the Chilean Institute of Concrete (ICH). The innovations in building technology related to special concrete for speed of implementation and use of pavement, repair techniques, and the variation in width and thickness of the slabs.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Pavimentos de Hormigón, Chile, Décima Región