Programa de potenciaciĆ³n de habilidades sociales para adolescentes socialmente vulnerables.
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Esta investigaciĆ³n propone un programa de potenciaciĆ³n de habilidades
sociales en adolescentes socialmente vulnerables, a partir de las opiniones vertidas
por jĆ³venes de la ciudad de ViƱa del Mar y ValparaĆso.
El estudio se llevĆ³ a cabo mediante un enfoque cualitativo, ya que el Ć©nfasis
estĆ” en la interpretaciĆ³n de los fenĆ³menos particulares que acontecen en un
contexto de tiempo y espacio definido. Para recoger la informaciĆ³n, se utilizĆ³ un
instrumento de recogida de datos, la cual corresponde a una entrevista
estructurada con preguntas abiertas aplicada a 15 adolescentes de 3 instituciones:
Centro de tratamiento adolescente, Hospital Gustavo Fricke, CONACE - Previene,
Las Palmas y Hogar Arturo Prat, supervisado por SENAME ValparaĆso.
A travĆ©s de la interpretaciĆ³n de resultados se llegĆ³ a los hallazgos de que los
adolescentes socialmente vulnerables precisan de la creaciĆ³n de instancias para
potenciar habilidades sociales, logrando resolver problemas en forma asertiva,
utilizando elementos fundamentales como el lenguaje verbal, corporal, gestual, la
emocionalidad, respeto y valoraciĆ³n por el otro.
ABSTRACT: This investigation proposes an empowerment program of social skills in socially vulnerable teenagers, from the views expressed by young people from the city of ViƱa del Mar and Valparaiso. The study was carried out using a qualitative approach, since the emphasis is in the interpretation of the particular phenomena that happen in a context of time and definite space. To collect the information, they use a data collection instrument, which corresponds to a structured interview with open questions applied to 15 teenagers from 3 institutions: Adolescent Treatment Center, Hospital Gustavo Fricke, CONACE - Prevent, Las Palmas and Home Arturo Prat, supervised by SENAME Valparaiso. Through the interpretation of result was reached findings that socially vulnerable adolescents require the creation of instances to promote social skills, managing to solve problems in assertive form, using fundamental elements such as verbal language, corporal language, gestual, the emotional, respect and appreciation for the other.
ABSTRACT: This investigation proposes an empowerment program of social skills in socially vulnerable teenagers, from the views expressed by young people from the city of ViƱa del Mar and Valparaiso. The study was carried out using a qualitative approach, since the emphasis is in the interpretation of the particular phenomena that happen in a context of time and definite space. To collect the information, they use a data collection instrument, which corresponds to a structured interview with open questions applied to 15 teenagers from 3 institutions: Adolescent Treatment Center, Hospital Gustavo Fricke, CONACE - Prevent, Las Palmas and Home Arturo Prat, supervised by SENAME Valparaiso. Through the interpretation of result was reached findings that socially vulnerable adolescents require the creation of instances to promote social skills, managing to solve problems in assertive form, using fundamental elements such as verbal language, corporal language, gestual, the emotional, respect and appreciation for the other.
Tesis (Psicopedagogo, Licenciado en EducaciĆ³n)
Palabras clave
Habilidades Sociales., JĆ³venes -- Chile -- Condiciones Sociales.