Evaluación técnica, económica y ambiental de la reutilización de aceites oleohidráulicos como insumo en detonación mina
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La presente investigación se originó como el análisis de una alternativa que permitiría reducir costos y cargas ambientales, mediante la reutilización de aceites residuales provenientes de equipos mineros, específicamente aceite de motor o uno que atienda al sistema de tratamiento con el que cuenten o deseen implementar. Este es un tema muy relevante en minería, donde no tienen poder sobre el precio de venta del producto y ese es fijado por bolsas de valores internacionales, ante esto, una de las opciones para maximizar los ingresos es la disminución de los costos o realizar las operaciones de mejor manera.
Se identifica una oportunidad de mejora, reduciendo los volúmenes de petróleo que deben ser adquiridos para la fabricación de ANFO, en base a esto se realiza un de análisis preliminar de los principales asuntos pertinentes a un proyecto de este tipo.
No se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio debido a que las cargas ambientales generadas por la utilización de aceites residuales tratados en la mezcla para la fabricación de ANFO post-tronadura eran mayores, no encontrándose alineado con los compromisos como país respecto al tema de las emisiones. Esto se encuentra fuertemente relacionado a que no se han llevado a cabo proyectos de este tipo en los últimos 12 años.
Pese a lo anterior, los balances de energía muestran que el calor de explosivo es un tanto mayor que en mezclas donde es utilizado aceites residuales. Desde un punto de vista energético, podría considerarse como un sustituto de petróleo en la mezcla.
Palabras Clave: balance de masa, balance de energía, balance de oxígenos, institucionalidad ambiental, emisiones, gases, efecto invernadero, cálculos, entalpia, calor, explosivo, ANFO, aceite residual, petróleo diésel N°2, reutilización, nitrato de amonio, dióxido de carbono, óxidos nitrosos.
The present investigation originated as the analysis of an alternative that would reduce costs and environmental burdens, through the reuse of residual oils from mining equipment, specifically motor oil or one that attends to the treatment system with which they have or wish to implement. This is a very important issue in mining, where they have no power over the sale price of the product and that is fixed by international stock exchanges, before this, one of the options to maximize revenue is the reduction of costs or make the operations in a better way. An opportunity for improvement is identified, reducing the volumes of oil that must be acquired for the manufacture of ANFO, based on this a preliminary analysis of the main issues pertinent to a project of this type is carried out. A satisfactory result was not obtained because the environmental loads generated by the use of residual oils treated in the mixture for the manufacture of after-blast ANFO were greater (Ch. 3, p. 3.2.4), not being aligned with the commitments as a country regarding the issue of emissions. This is strongly related to the fact that no projects of this kind have been carried out in the last 12 years. Despite the above, energy balances show that the heat of explosive is somewhat higher than in mixtures where waste oils are used. From an energy point of view, it could be considered as a substitute for oil in the mix. Keywords: mass balance, energy balance, oxygen balance, environmental institutions, emissions, gases, greenhouse effect, calculations, enthalpy, heat, explosive, ANFO, residual oil, diesel oil No. 2, reuse, ammonium nitrate, carbon dioxide , nitrous oxides.
The present investigation originated as the analysis of an alternative that would reduce costs and environmental burdens, through the reuse of residual oils from mining equipment, specifically motor oil or one that attends to the treatment system with which they have or wish to implement. This is a very important issue in mining, where they have no power over the sale price of the product and that is fixed by international stock exchanges, before this, one of the options to maximize revenue is the reduction of costs or make the operations in a better way. An opportunity for improvement is identified, reducing the volumes of oil that must be acquired for the manufacture of ANFO, based on this a preliminary analysis of the main issues pertinent to a project of this type is carried out. A satisfactory result was not obtained because the environmental loads generated by the use of residual oils treated in the mixture for the manufacture of after-blast ANFO were greater (Ch. 3, p. 3.2.4), not being aligned with the commitments as a country regarding the issue of emissions. This is strongly related to the fact that no projects of this kind have been carried out in the last 12 years. Despite the above, energy balances show that the heat of explosive is somewhat higher than in mixtures where waste oils are used. From an energy point of view, it could be considered as a substitute for oil in the mix. Keywords: mass balance, energy balance, oxygen balance, environmental institutions, emissions, gases, greenhouse effect, calculations, enthalpy, heat, explosive, ANFO, residual oil, diesel oil No. 2, reuse, ammonium nitrate, carbon dioxide , nitrous oxides.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil en Minas)
Palabras clave
Proyectos de Inversión, Evaluación, Aprovechamiento de Desechos, Aspectos Económicos, Aspectos Ambientales