Vivencias de las enfermeras inmigrantes en Chile: un estudio etnográfico.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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RESUMEN: La asistencia de la salud en el tiempo post-moderno debe considerar la
complejidad del mundo globalizado, sus características y demandas y esto
requiere el estudio de la migración intrarregional de profesionales. El foco en los
enfermeros que migran para los países en desarrollo como Chile en América del
Sur es importante porque el cuidado es permeado por las creencias y valores
culturales que influyen en la práctica cotidiana. El objetivo de este estudio fue
explorar las creencias, valores y prácticas del cuidado desarrolladas por los
enfermeras extranjeras actuantes en Chile. El referencial teórico del estudio fue el
Modelo para la competencia cultural de Larry Purnell. Se realizó un estudio
etnográfico de hospitales localizados en Santiago, Chile. Fue desarrollado el
proceso de observación-participación-reflexión de los contextos culturales, del
hospital Barros Luco Trudeau y Metropolitano y entrevistas etnográficas con
quince enfermeras migrantes. Las profesionales eran provenientes de Brasil
(N=1), Colombia (N=7), Ecuador (N=3) y Uruguay (N=4 ), que trabajaban en
alguno de los dos hospitales. “Ganarse a la gente para ser aceptada”, fue el tema
cultural que retracta las creencias, valores y prácticas de las profesionales. Los
cinco descriptores culturales que dieron soporte a este tema fueron: 1) Los
innumerables problemas enfrentados en mi país y las expectativas de mejorar las
condiciones de vida en Chile me llevaron a la decisión de emigrar a este país. 2)
El inicio del ejercicio profesional en éste país fue caracterizado por la existencia de
factores facilitadores y dificultadores. 3) Las diferentes formaciones profesionales
de las enfermeras facilitaron o dificultaron su actuación profesional en Chile. 4) La
semejanza en los aspectos técnicos del cuidado y el acogimiento demostrado por
los pacientes contribuyeron para el buen desempeño profesional en éste país. 5)
Las diferencias demandaron un gran esfuerzo adaptativo al nuevo escenario
profesional y personal. Discusión y conclusiones: del análisis de las entrevistas se
diferenciaron siete de los dominios del modelo de Purnell como referentes para la
adaptación de los enfermeros; ellos son: herencia-visión general. Comunicación.
Papel y organización familiar. Fuerza de trabajo. Ecología biocultural. Prácticas de
embarazo y parto y proveedor del cuidado de la salud. Las enfermeras inmigrantes
que llegaron a trabajar a Chile, se encuentran en una etapa de adaptación no
lineal como lo describe el Modelo de competencia cultural de Purnell. Ellas
tuvieron que comenzar a trabajar en los hospitales públicos en Chile siendo
inconscientemente incompetentes, dada su necesidad de comenzar pronto para
solventar los gastos asociados a la migración. Se recomienda la presencia de
programas de acogimiento cultural y profesional en las instituciones donde
postulen para trabajar.
Palabras claves: Etnografía. Migración de enfermeras.
ABSTRACT: Health assistance in post-modern must consider the complexity of the globalized world, their characteristics and demands, and this requires the study of intraregional migration of professionals. The focus on nurses who migrate to developing countries such as Chile in South America is important because the care is permeated by cultural beliefs and values that influence everyday practice. The aim of this study was to explore the beliefs, values and practices of care developed by the acting foreign nurses in Chile. The theoretical study was the Model for Cultural Competence Larry Purnell. We performed an ethnographic study of hospitals located in Santiago, Chile. It was developed the process of Observation- Participation-Reflection of the cultural, Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital and Metropolitan and ethnographic interviews with fifteen migrant nurses. The professionals were from Brazil (N = 1), Colombia (N = 7), Ecuador (N = 3) and Uruguay (N = 4), working in one of the two hospitals. "Winning people to be accepted," was the theme that retracts cultural beliefs, values and practices of professionals. The five cultural descriptors gave support to this issue were: 1) The many problems faced in my country and the expectations of improving living conditions in Chile, I took the decision to emigrate to this country. 2) The start of practice in this country was characterized by the presence of facilitating factors and difficulties. 3) The different education and training of nurses facilitated or hindered their performance in Chile. 4) The similarity in the technical aspects of care and foster care shown by the patients contributed to his performance in this country. 5) Differences demanded a great effort adapt to the new professional and personal. Discussion and conclusions: Analysis of the interviews differed seven domains of Purnell as a reference model for the adaptation of the nurses, they are: Heritage- Overview. Communication. Paper and family organization. Workforce. Biocultural ecology. Pregnancy and childbirth practices and provider of health care. Nurses working immigrants who came to Chile, are in a nonlinear adaptation stage as described in the Cultural Competency Model Purnell. They had to start working in public hospitals in Chile being unconsciously incompetent, given its need to start early to cover the costs associated with migration. It is recommended the presence of cultural programs and professional placement in institutions which postulate to work. Words keys: Etnography. Migration of nurses. International recruitment. Education. Workplace. Cultural diversity.
ABSTRACT: Health assistance in post-modern must consider the complexity of the globalized world, their characteristics and demands, and this requires the study of intraregional migration of professionals. The focus on nurses who migrate to developing countries such as Chile in South America is important because the care is permeated by cultural beliefs and values that influence everyday practice. The aim of this study was to explore the beliefs, values and practices of care developed by the acting foreign nurses in Chile. The theoretical study was the Model for Cultural Competence Larry Purnell. We performed an ethnographic study of hospitals located in Santiago, Chile. It was developed the process of Observation- Participation-Reflection of the cultural, Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital and Metropolitan and ethnographic interviews with fifteen migrant nurses. The professionals were from Brazil (N = 1), Colombia (N = 7), Ecuador (N = 3) and Uruguay (N = 4), working in one of the two hospitals. "Winning people to be accepted," was the theme that retracts cultural beliefs, values and practices of professionals. The five cultural descriptors gave support to this issue were: 1) The many problems faced in my country and the expectations of improving living conditions in Chile, I took the decision to emigrate to this country. 2) The start of practice in this country was characterized by the presence of facilitating factors and difficulties. 3) The different education and training of nurses facilitated or hindered their performance in Chile. 4) The similarity in the technical aspects of care and foster care shown by the patients contributed to his performance in this country. 5) Differences demanded a great effort adapt to the new professional and personal. Discussion and conclusions: Analysis of the interviews differed seven domains of Purnell as a reference model for the adaptation of the nurses, they are: Heritage- Overview. Communication. Paper and family organization. Workforce. Biocultural ecology. Pregnancy and childbirth practices and provider of health care. Nurses working immigrants who came to Chile, are in a nonlinear adaptation stage as described in the Cultural Competency Model Purnell. They had to start working in public hospitals in Chile being unconsciously incompetent, given its need to start early to cover the costs associated with migration. It is recommended the presence of cultural programs and professional placement in institutions which postulate to work. Words keys: Etnography. Migration of nurses. International recruitment. Education. Workplace. Cultural diversity.
Tesis (Doctor en Enfermería)
Palabras clave
Enfermeras., Inmigrantes -- Chile.