Rol del kinesiĆ³logo dentro de un equipo de salud en el contexto de la sexualidad en personas mayores : una revisiĆ³n narrativa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El aumento del nĆŗmero personas mayores ha sido significativo en los Ćŗltimos aƱos, por lo que se hace relevante investigar los distintos aspectos de esta poblaciĆ³n, siendo uno de estos la sexualidad en las personas mayores. Este aspecto suele ser un tema tabĆŗ y escasamente estudiado que puede influir en la calidad de vida de esta poblaciĆ³n, por lo que se hace relevante identificar el rol del kinesiĆ³logo dentro de un equipo de salud en el contexto de la sexualidad en las personas mayores.
A partir de este objetivo, se realizĆ³ una revisiĆ³n narrativa travĆ©s de una bĆŗsqueda bibliogrĆ”fica en los metabuscadores PubMed y BVS, mediante criterios de inclusiĆ³n y exclusiĆ³n. De esta bĆŗsqueda se seleccionaron 9 artĆculos, de los cuales se concluye que el kinesiĆ³logo cumple roles de rehabilitador, educador y de prevenciĆ³n, a travĆ©s de entrenamiento de la musculatura de piso pĆ©lvico, clases expositivas y orientaciĆ³n de posiciones sexuales. De esta manera, se favorecen las relaciones sexuales en las personas mayores que padecen dificultad para llevar a cabo la sexualidad satisfactoriamente producto de diferentes patologĆas.
The increase in the elderly population has been significant in recent years, so it is relevant to investigate the different aspects of this population, one of these being sexuality in the elderly. This aspect is usually a taboo and scarcely studied which can influence the quality of life of this population, so it is relevant to identify the role of the physiotherapist in a health team in the context of sexuality in the elderly. Based on this objective, a narrative review was performed through a bibliographic search in the PubMed and BVS, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. From this research, 9 articles were selected, of which it is concluded that the physiotherapist satisfy roles of rehabilitator, educator and of prevention, through training of pelvic floor musculature, expository classes and orientation of sexual positions. In this way, sexual relations are favored in the elderly who have difficulty to carry out the sexuality satisfactorily in consecuense of different pathologies.
The increase in the elderly population has been significant in recent years, so it is relevant to investigate the different aspects of this population, one of these being sexuality in the elderly. This aspect is usually a taboo and scarcely studied which can influence the quality of life of this population, so it is relevant to identify the role of the physiotherapist in a health team in the context of sexuality in the elderly. Based on this objective, a narrative review was performed through a bibliographic search in the PubMed and BVS, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. From this research, 9 articles were selected, of which it is concluded that the physiotherapist satisfy roles of rehabilitator, educator and of prevention, through training of pelvic floor musculature, expository classes and orientation of sexual positions. In this way, sexual relations are favored in the elderly who have difficulty to carry out the sexuality satisfactorily in consecuense of different pathologies.
Tesis (Licenciado en KinesiologĆa)
Palabras clave
Ancianos, Conducta Sexual, KinesiĆ³logos