Influencia de los aditivos reductores de agua en la impermeabilidad del hormigón
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
RESUMEN: Una de las características del hormigón que afecta a la durabilidad, es que es un
material poroso. A través de estos poros el hormigón absorbe agua y otros líquidos, la
velocidad con la que el agua fluye a través de estos se llama permeabilidad. Un
hormigón permeable es propenso a su desintegración a lo largo del tiempo, porque el
agua que penetra en sus poros causa falencias que afeCtan a la calidad de éste y hace
que sea menos durable.
La relación agua / cemento afecta no solamente la resistencia del hormigón sino que
también a su permeabilidad. Pequeños cambios en esta relación pueden significar
apreciables diferencias en la permeabilidad. Los aditivos reductores de agua se pueden
usar para reducir esta relación de agua / cemento incrementando la impermeabilidad
del hormigón.
En este trabajo se analizaron los materiales del hormigón en relación con la humedad,
la procedencia de las fuentes de humedad, las formas en que penetra el agua en el
hormigón y los efectos que produce en las estructuras.
Se plantearon las características que debe tener un hormigón impermeable y se
elaboraron probetas cúbicas de hormigón con aditivos reductores de agua disponibles
en el mercado nacional, para estudiar la influencia de éstos en la impermeabilidad del
ABSTRACT: One of the concrete characteristic which affects the durability, it is a porous material. Through these pores the concrete absorbs water and other liquids, the speed with which the water flows through these became known as permeability. A permeable concrete is prone to decay over time due to water penetrating into ifs pores cause flaws that affect their quality, so it makes it less durable. The water-cement ratio affects not only the strength of concrete but also to their permeability. Little changes in this relationship can mean significant differences in permeability. Water-reducing admixtures can be used to reduce this ratio of water / cement increasing the impermeability of concrete, water penetration making it impossible. We analyze the concrete materials in connection with moisture, the source of moisture sources, the ways in which water penetrates the concrete and the effects it has on the structures. Features that were raised should have a waterproof concrete and concrete cubic specimens prepared with water-reducing admixtures available in the market, to study their influence on the impermeability of concrete.
ABSTRACT: One of the concrete characteristic which affects the durability, it is a porous material. Through these pores the concrete absorbs water and other liquids, the speed with which the water flows through these became known as permeability. A permeable concrete is prone to decay over time due to water penetrating into ifs pores cause flaws that affect their quality, so it makes it less durable. The water-cement ratio affects not only the strength of concrete but also to their permeability. Little changes in this relationship can mean significant differences in permeability. Water-reducing admixtures can be used to reduce this ratio of water / cement increasing the impermeability of concrete, water penetration making it impossible. We analyze the concrete materials in connection with moisture, the source of moisture sources, the ways in which water penetrates the concrete and the effects it has on the structures. Features that were raised should have a waterproof concrete and concrete cubic specimens prepared with water-reducing admixtures available in the market, to study their influence on the impermeability of concrete.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Hormigón -- Aditivos., Hormigón -- Impermeabilidad.