El hormigón compactado con rodillo en la construcción de presas proyecto Ralco
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El objetivo de esta memoria es dar a conocer a los usuarios un estudio, como también
una serie de antecedentes, acerca de una novedosa tecnología que fue utilizada para la
construcción de la presa que se levantó para detener las aguas del río Biobío dando así
origen al proyecto de la Central Hidroeléctrica Raleo, transformando a nuestro país en
líder en éste tipo de tecnología.
Esta tecnología se denomina "HCR" que significa Hormigón Compactado con Rodillo y
el trabajo aquí expuesto se concentra principalmente en aquellos procesos relacionados
directamente con las etapas de diseño, fabricación, transporte, colocación y
compactación de este tipo de hormigón, distinto al conocido trivialmente como
convencional. Además, se realiza un análisis operacional al proceso constructivo de las
diferentes capas que componen la cortina, con el propósito de incluir aspectos como
dosificaciones, control de calidad y ensayes de laboratorio de este hormigón especial,
que difiere en forma drástica a los empleados comúnmente y que se conoce como
Otro aspecto que persigue esta memoria, es contribuir y aportar un documento a la
Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello con la finalidad de que cualquier alumno pueda
consultar y conocer cada uno de los procesos, propiedades y características del HCR,
analizando también problemas como segregación, influencia climática sobre los
materiales, la fabricación y la colocación, asimismo como los procesos con~tructivos
involucrados en esta particular tecnología como es el Hormigón Compactado con
Finalmente, junto con explicar detaltadamente todos los puntos ya antes mencionados,
se incluirá en esta memoria información obtenida directamente en terreno como
también una serie de testimonios gráficos con el objetivo de que lo citado aquí le resulte
lo más claro posible a quién consulte esta recopilación de antecedentes.
The objective of this thesis is to present a study, as well as a series of antecedents, about a new technology already used in the construction of the dam built to stop the waters of the river Bio Bio, thus originating the project of the Hydroelectric Power Station Raleo, making our country leader in this type of technology. This technology is called "HCR" that means Roller Compacted Concrete and the work exposed here is mainly focused in those processes directly related to the stages of design, manufacture, transport, positioning and compacting of this type of concrete, different from the common concrete best known as "conventional". In addition, an · operational analysis of the constructive process is made to the different layers that compase the curtain wall, in arder to include aspects like metering, quality control and laboratory tests to this special concrete, that drastically differs from the commonly employed ones and which are known as traditional and/or conventional. Another aspect pursued by this work, is to contribute with a consultation document about each of the processes, properties and characteristics of the HCR, also analyzing problems like segregation, as well as climatic influences on the materials, the manufacture and the pouring, and the related constructive processes in this particular HCR technology. Finally, along with the detailed explanation of ali the already mentioned points, this work will also include information obtained directly in site, that is to say photographs.
The objective of this thesis is to present a study, as well as a series of antecedents, about a new technology already used in the construction of the dam built to stop the waters of the river Bio Bio, thus originating the project of the Hydroelectric Power Station Raleo, making our country leader in this type of technology. This technology is called "HCR" that means Roller Compacted Concrete and the work exposed here is mainly focused in those processes directly related to the stages of design, manufacture, transport, positioning and compacting of this type of concrete, different from the common concrete best known as "conventional". In addition, an · operational analysis of the constructive process is made to the different layers that compase the curtain wall, in arder to include aspects like metering, quality control and laboratory tests to this special concrete, that drastically differs from the commonly employed ones and which are known as traditional and/or conventional. Another aspect pursued by this work, is to contribute with a consultation document about each of the processes, properties and characteristics of the HCR, also analyzing problems like segregation, as well as climatic influences on the materials, the manufacture and the pouring, and the related constructive processes in this particular HCR technology. Finally, along with the detailed explanation of ali the already mentioned points, this work will also include information obtained directly in site, that is to say photographs.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Hormigón Compactado con Rodillo, Innovaciones Tecnológicas, Industria de la Construcción, Análisis de procesos, Chile