Localización de la língula mandibular : estudio mediante radiografías panorámicas en pacientes pediátricos de clínica odontológica Universidad Andrés Bello
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Objetivo: El estudio busca determinar la localización de la língula a través de radiográficas panorámicas en pacientes de 5 a 12 años, y sus cambios de ubicación en el tiempo para así poder realizar una correcta técnica anestésica de bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior, y alcanzar una mayor tasa de éxito. Materiales y métodos: En este estudio observacional de corte transversal, se analizaron 407 radiografías panorámicas. Se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico en base a promedios, por lo que se analizarán los resultados utilizando estadísticas descriptivas: media, mediana, moda y a través del software JASP 0.14 se realizó la prueba t de student (con una P < 0.5 confianza) para evaluar significancia estadística según etapas de erupción. Resultados: La posición de la língula respecto al plano oclusal aumenta de manera gradual a medida que el paciente crece, desde los 1,7 mm a los 5 años hasta los 4,2 mm a los 12 años. La distancia de la língula mandibular respecto al borde anterior varía entre 14,3 y 15,2; obteniendo el mayor valor a los 10 años. La distancia de la língula mandibular a la cara distal del diente más distal erupcionado va a depender de la etapa de erupción en que se encuentre el paciente. No existen diferencias significativas en relación a las etapas de erupción, excepto en la ubicación de la língula respecto al plano oclusal. Conclusión: La técnica de anestesia de bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior se debe aplicar entre el nivel del plano y máximo 4 mm sobre el plano oclusal.
Aim: The study aimed to determine the location of the mandibular lingula through panoramic radiographs in patients aged 5 to 12 years, and its location changes over time in order to perform a correct anesthetic technique of inferior alveolar nerve block, and achieve a higher success rate. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, 407 panoramic radiographs were analyzed. A statistical analysis was carried out based on averages, so the results will be analyzed using descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode and through JASP 0.14 software, the student's t test (with a P <0.5 confidence) was performed for evaluate statistical significance according to eruption stages. Results: The position of the lingula with respect to the occlusal plane increases gradually as the patient grows, from 1.7 mm at 5 years to 4.2 mm at 12 years. The distance of the mandibular lingula from the anterior border varies between 14.3 and 15.2; obtaining the highest value at 10 years. The distance from the mandibular lingula to the distal surface of the most distal erupted tooth will depend on the stage of eruption in which the patient is. There are no significant differences in relation to the stages of eruption, except in the location of the lingula with respect to the occlusal plane. Conclusion: The inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia technique should be applied between the level of the plane and a maximum of 4 mm above the occlusal plane.
Aim: The study aimed to determine the location of the mandibular lingula through panoramic radiographs in patients aged 5 to 12 years, and its location changes over time in order to perform a correct anesthetic technique of inferior alveolar nerve block, and achieve a higher success rate. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, 407 panoramic radiographs were analyzed. A statistical analysis was carried out based on averages, so the results will be analyzed using descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode and through JASP 0.14 software, the student's t test (with a P <0.5 confidence) was performed for evaluate statistical significance according to eruption stages. Results: The position of the lingula with respect to the occlusal plane increases gradually as the patient grows, from 1.7 mm at 5 years to 4.2 mm at 12 years. The distance of the mandibular lingula from the anterior border varies between 14.3 and 15.2; obtaining the highest value at 10 years. The distance from the mandibular lingula to the distal surface of the most distal erupted tooth will depend on the stage of eruption in which the patient is. There are no significant differences in relation to the stages of eruption, except in the location of the lingula with respect to the occlusal plane. Conclusion: The inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia technique should be applied between the level of the plane and a maximum of 4 mm above the occlusal plane.
Trabajo de titulación (Cirujano Dentista, Licenciado en Odontología)
Palabras clave
Língula mandibular, Foramen mandibular, Nervio Alveolar Inferior, Radiografía Panorámica, Odontología pediátrica, Anestesia dental, Chile