Tomografía computarizada de haz cónico y su alcance en medicina: revisión sistemática exploratoria
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (TCHC), ha desarrollado características de
imágenes tridimensionales y variedades de equipos que permiten conseguir imágenes
de diferentes zonas del cuerpo. A pesar del activo desarrollo, existe poca literatura que
determine los usos y tipos de adaptaciones en la maquinaria de TCHC en áreas de la
medicina, a diferencia de lo que sí sucede en odontología. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de
esta revisión sistemática exploratoria (RSE) es identificar y analizar el contexto actual
del uso de TCHC en las diferentes especialidades médicas como examen
imagenológico complementario usado para diagnóstico, terapia y planificación. Para
esto se realizó una búsqueda a través de las bases de datos donde se obtuvo 3562
artículos, de los cuales luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión/exclusión se
seleccionaron 127 artículos. Del total de artículos seleccionados, el área de Radiología
intervencionista fue la que más estudios presentó con un total de 118 artículos, en su
mayoría en conjunto con Oncología intervencionista. El complemento clínico
predominante fue el terapéutico, siendo la radioterapia el procedimiento que más reporta
el uso de TCHC. En total 6 variedades distintas de adaptaciones para la maquinaria
TCHC se pudo rescatar de esta revisión, concluyendo que el sistema TCHC es de
significativa importancia para el diagnóstico, localización y reconstrucción de imágenes
radiográficas en 3D, facilitando las especialidades de la medicina a un acceso a
imágenes de gran calidad y resolución, posibilitando una mejora en el estándar de
atención y éxito terapéutico de cada procedimiento.
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has developed three-dimensional imaging features and a variety of equipment that allows imaging of different body areas. Despite this active development, there is little literature determining the uses and types of adaptations to the CBCT machine in areas of medicine, as opposed to dentistry. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review (SR) is to identify and analyze the current context of the use of CBCT in different medical specialties as a complementary imaging test used for diagnosis, therapy, and planning. For this purpose, a search was made through the databases where 3562 articles were obtained, from which 127 articles were selected after applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria. From the total number of articles selected, the area of Interventional Radiology was the one that presented the 2 most studies with a total of 118 articles, mostly in conjunction with Interventional Oncology. The predominant clinical complement was therapeutic, with radiotherapy being the procedure that most reports the use of CBCT. A total of 6 different varieties of adaptations for the CBCT machinery could be rescued from this review, concluding that the CBCT system is of significant importance for the diagnosis, location and reconstruction of 3D radiographic images, facilitating the medical specialties to access high quality and resolution images, enabling an improvement in the standard of care and therapeutic success of each procedure.
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has developed three-dimensional imaging features and a variety of equipment that allows imaging of different body areas. Despite this active development, there is little literature determining the uses and types of adaptations to the CBCT machine in areas of medicine, as opposed to dentistry. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review (SR) is to identify and analyze the current context of the use of CBCT in different medical specialties as a complementary imaging test used for diagnosis, therapy, and planning. For this purpose, a search was made through the databases where 3562 articles were obtained, from which 127 articles were selected after applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria. From the total number of articles selected, the area of Interventional Radiology was the one that presented the 2 most studies with a total of 118 articles, mostly in conjunction with Interventional Oncology. The predominant clinical complement was therapeutic, with radiotherapy being the procedure that most reports the use of CBCT. A total of 6 different varieties of adaptations for the CBCT machinery could be rescued from this review, concluding that the CBCT system is of significant importance for the diagnosis, location and reconstruction of 3D radiographic images, facilitating the medical specialties to access high quality and resolution images, enabling an improvement in the standard of care and therapeutic success of each procedure.
Trabajo de titulación (Cirujano Dentista, Licenciado en Odontología)
Palabras clave
Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico, Diagnóstico por Imagen, Terapéutica, Técnicas de Planificación, Chile