Uso de medicina alternativa/complementaria en el manejo del dolor orofacial. Una revisión sistemática exploratoria
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En la actualidad los cuadros clínicos de dolor orofacial tienen un abordaje
multidisciplinario que está orientado a aliviar dolor, recuperar funcionalidad y permitir que
el paciente retome su vida diaria, sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones no es posible
conseguir una resolución absoluta de la patología. En este escenario, las Terapias
Alternativas también llamadas Medicinas Alternativas o Complementarias (MAC)
constituyen una posibilidad de lograr mejoras en diversos cuadros dolorosos, donde los
pacientes no han logrado conseguir resultados esperados con la terapia convencional y
con la finalidad de disminuir la cantidad de fármacos que éstos consumen y mejorar su
calidad de vida. Objetivos: Analizar el desempeño de diferentes terapias Alternativas /
Complementarias en condiciones de dolor orofacial. Método: Para esta revisión se
recuperaron artículos relevantes sobre el tema de interés y con 5 años de antigüedad
desde 7 bases de datos: PudMed, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO, SpringerLink, Wiley-
Blackwell y SCOPUS. Resultados: Luego de la búsqueda inicial, se identificaron 119
referencias de las diferentes bases de datos mencionadas y fueron agregados
manualmente 3 artículos. 36 artículos resultaron elegibles de los cuales 10 fueron
excluidos. Finalmente se obtuvieron 26 estudios para ser presentados en esta revisión.
De acuerdo con los datos extraídos, se reporta que Cefaleas, dolor miofascial, neuralgia
trigeminal, odontalgias y trastornos temporomandibulares cuentan con evidencia de uso
de MAC para su tratamiento. Además, la terapia alternativa más utilizada según la
literatura corresponde a la acupuntura. Conclusión: La evidencia actual revela que el
uso de Medicina Alternativa / Complementaria podría tener algunos efectos favorables
en cuadros dolorosos orofaciales, sin embargo, toda la evidencia recopilada aún no es
suficiente para permitir una conclusión sólida sobre el rendimiento de dichas terapias, ya
que por la falta de estudios en ciertos diagnósticos la confiabilidad de la evidencia
presentada es limitada.
At present the clinical pictures of orofacial pain have a multidisciplinary approach that is aimed at relieving pain, recovering functionality and allowing the patient to resume their daily life, however, in many cases it is not possible to achieve an absolute resolution of the pathology. In this scenario, Alternative Therapies also called Alternative or Complementary Medicines (MAC) constitute a possibility of achieving improvements in various painful conditions, where patients have not achieved expected results with conventional therapy and in order to reduce the amount of drugs that they are taking and improve their quality of life. Objectives: To analyze the performance of different alternative / complementary therapies in conditions of orofacial pain. Method: For this review, relevant articles on the topic of interest and 5 years old were retrieved from 7 databases: PudMed, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO, SpringerLink, Wiley-Blackwell and SCOPUS. Results: After the initial search, 119 references were identified from the different databases mentioned and 3 articles were added manually. 36 articles were eligible, of which 10 were excluded. Finally, 26 studies were obtained to be presented in this review. According to the data extracted, it is reported that Headaches, myofascial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, toothaches and temporomandibular disorders have evidence of the use of MAC for their treatment. In addition, the most widely used alternative therapy according to the literature corresponds to acupuncture. Conclusion: The current evidence reveals that the use of alternative / complementary medicine could have some favorable effects in orofacial painful conditions, however, all the evidence collected is still not enough to allow a solid conclusion on the performance of these therapies, since by the lack of studies in certain diagnoses the reliability of the evidence presented is limited.
At present the clinical pictures of orofacial pain have a multidisciplinary approach that is aimed at relieving pain, recovering functionality and allowing the patient to resume their daily life, however, in many cases it is not possible to achieve an absolute resolution of the pathology. In this scenario, Alternative Therapies also called Alternative or Complementary Medicines (MAC) constitute a possibility of achieving improvements in various painful conditions, where patients have not achieved expected results with conventional therapy and in order to reduce the amount of drugs that they are taking and improve their quality of life. Objectives: To analyze the performance of different alternative / complementary therapies in conditions of orofacial pain. Method: For this review, relevant articles on the topic of interest and 5 years old were retrieved from 7 databases: PudMed, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO, SpringerLink, Wiley-Blackwell and SCOPUS. Results: After the initial search, 119 references were identified from the different databases mentioned and 3 articles were added manually. 36 articles were eligible, of which 10 were excluded. Finally, 26 studies were obtained to be presented in this review. According to the data extracted, it is reported that Headaches, myofascial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, toothaches and temporomandibular disorders have evidence of the use of MAC for their treatment. In addition, the most widely used alternative therapy according to the literature corresponds to acupuncture. Conclusion: The current evidence reveals that the use of alternative / complementary medicine could have some favorable effects in orofacial painful conditions, however, all the evidence collected is still not enough to allow a solid conclusion on the performance of these therapies, since by the lack of studies in certain diagnoses the reliability of the evidence presented is limited.
Trabajo de Titulación (Cirujano Dentista, Licenciado en Odontología)
Palabras clave
Dolor orofacial, Trastornos temporomandibulares, Medicina Alternativa, Uso Terapéutico, Chile