Adultos mayores que viven solos : una autopercepción de su calidad de vida, funcionalidad y autonomía
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
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La población de adulto mayor chilena constituye un grupo etario en considerable crecimiento poblacional. Chile es el tercer país más envejecido de Latinoamérica y una de las tendencias que destaca es que cerca de un 14% vive solos. El objetivo de la investigación fue describir la percepción de los adultos mayores que viven solos en cuanto a calidad de vida y funcionalidad, a través de un enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo. Se realizó una entrevista a profundidad a adultos mayores de 65 años que vivían en un domicilio particular solos. Los resultados obtenidos se agruparon en la autopercepción de calidad de vida y funcionalidad y los factores que favorecen positiva y negativamente su autonomía. Los adultos mayores concluyen que no desean ser una carga para su familia, valorando su independencia al vivir solos, pero requieren sustancialmente de redes de apoyo, para no sentirse aislados y desean tener rol participativo en la sociedad. Entre los factores que favorecen su autonomía se encuentra la buena salud y la movilidad y los que la dificultan son las caídas, las descompensaciones y los ingresos económicos insuficientes. Los adultos mayores deben ser protegidos por la sociedad, para prevenir la dependencia severa, la depresión y el aislamiento social. Una de las estrategias que pudiesen ser útiles son el uso de tecnologías propicias para la vida independiente de las personas mayores, el monitoreo de actividades, fomentar la participación social de los adultos mayores, reforzar las redes de apoyo y aumentar las pensiones y el aporte de víveres.
The Chilean elderly population constitutes an age group with considerable growth. Chile is the third oldest country in Latin America and one of the trends is that about 14% live alone. The objective of the research was to describe the perception of older adults who live alone in terms of quality of life and functionality, through a qualitative and descriptive approach. An in-depth interview was conducted with adults over 65 years of age who lived alone. The results obtained are grouped into self-perception of quality of life and functionality and the factors that positively and negatively favor their autonomy. Older adults say that they do not want to be a burden for their family, valuing their independence when living alone, but they require support networks, so that they are not isolated and want to have a participatory role in society. Among the factors that favor their autonomy are good health and mobility and those that hinder are falls, decompensation and insufficient economic income. Older adults must be protected by society, to prevent severe dependency, depression, and social isolation. One of the strategies that could be useful is the use of technologies conducive to the independent life of the elderly, the monitoring of activities, promoting the social participation of the elderly, strengthening support networks and increasing pensions and the contribution of foods.
The Chilean elderly population constitutes an age group with considerable growth. Chile is the third oldest country in Latin America and one of the trends is that about 14% live alone. The objective of the research was to describe the perception of older adults who live alone in terms of quality of life and functionality, through a qualitative and descriptive approach. An in-depth interview was conducted with adults over 65 years of age who lived alone. The results obtained are grouped into self-perception of quality of life and functionality and the factors that positively and negatively favor their autonomy. Older adults say that they do not want to be a burden for their family, valuing their independence when living alone, but they require support networks, so that they are not isolated and want to have a participatory role in society. Among the factors that favor their autonomy are good health and mobility and those that hinder are falls, decompensation and insufficient economic income. Older adults must be protected by society, to prevent severe dependency, depression, and social isolation. One of the strategies that could be useful is the use of technologies conducive to the independent life of the elderly, the monitoring of activities, promoting the social participation of the elderly, strengthening support networks and increasing pensions and the contribution of foods.
Tesis (Magíster en Enfermería)
Palabras clave
Ancianos, Calidad de Vida, Cuidado