A study of interaction in 6th grade classes by student-teachers in three schools of the 5th region in Chile

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Universidad Andrés Bello
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This research is an attempt to describe and analyze the interaction between Sixth Grade students and student-teachers teaching English as a Foreign Language in Chile. The data for the analysis were collected through four videotaped sessions taught by four student-teachers doing their last practicum before graduation. This study suggests that interaction based 011 the Question-Response-Follow-up structure (QRF) proposed by Coulthard and Sinclair in their study of classroom interaction is a productive way to study the effects that tbis type of exchange has in the acquisition of English as well as in teaching techniques. Incorporated into the analyses is the 2009 Sixth Grade Progranune proposed by the Ministry of Education especially as it focuses in aural comprehension, the study proposes that modeling different types of questions force students to comprehend and respond adequately preparing them to be able to sustain an elementary conversation. In addition, it argues that Follow-up aliows the teacher to inject conversational elements necessary to counteract the rigidity of the Question-Answer-Follow-up characteristic of classroom discourse.
Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)
Palabras clave
Educación, Quinta Región, Relaciones Profesor-Alumno
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