Cobertura efectiva programa GES odontológico paciente 60 años: Centro de salud familiar Penco-Lirquén. Años 2012-2014
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Antecedentes: Una de las características demográficas a nivel mundial es el aumento significativo de la población de adultos mayores. En Chile existe un programa de atención en salud oral dirigido a este grupo, y denominado "Programa GES Odontológico paciente 60 años”, cuya finalidad es entregar salud integral a estos pacientes. A nivel nacional es importante evaluar la cobertura efectiva entre la demanda potencial del paciente y la oferta entregada por parte del programa.
Justificación: No existe una evaluación de la cobertura efectiva del Programa GES odontológico paciente 60 año, lo que establece la necesidad de determinar brechas de atención, relacionadas con la demanda odontológica integral de los pacientes, según condiciones orales iniciales, y el tratamiento dental recibido.
Objetivo: Evaluar la cobertura efectiva del Régimen de Garantías Explicitas en Salud, programa odontológico 60 años, en Centro de Salud Familiar Penco-Lirquén, entre los años 2012 y 2014. Material y Métodos: Investigación de tipo cuantitativa, observacional, transversal, analítica. Se trabajó con la totalidad de historias clínicas, correspondiente a pacientes atendidos en el programa GES odontológico en el Centro de Salud Familiar Penco – Lirquén, Servicio de Salud Talcahuano, años 2012 - 2014. Para determinar la cobertura efectiva del programa GES se evaluó la asociación entre las condiciones de salud oral al momento del ingreso y los tratamientos realizados, así como también, cobertura en salud oral respecto a la demanda, cobertura respecto a la adherencia y utilización de servicios. Los análisis estadísticos fueron analizados con el software estadístico SPSS 22.0. Para su evaluación se utilizaron métodos estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales, con utilización de métodos no paramétricos basados en el análisis chi – cuadrado de independencia y análisis V de Cramer para cuantificar asociación.
Resultados: La investigación muestra que de los pacientes beneficiarios, la patología más prevalente al momento de ingreso al programa correspondió a Caries dental con un 84,6% y de ellos, el 97,2% recibió tratamiento restaurador definitivo. La enfermedad Periodontal se presentó en un 26,6%, de los cuales el 75,4% recibió tratamiento periodontal. El test de chi – cuadrado demostró una asociación fuerte y significativa, entre enfermedad y tratamiento, lo cual indica que existe una cobertura efectiva en ambos casos. Se observó además que al momento del ingreso al programa un 95,8% presentó algún grado de edentulismo, de los cuales el desdentado parcial bimaxilar corresponde al mayor porcentaje con 51,4%, seguido por desdentado parcial superior (15%). En relación a aparatología protésica de los pacientes, se tuvo que el 76,2% registra ausencia de prótesis.
Background: One of the demographic characteristics around the world is the significant increase in the population of older adults. In Chile, there is an oral health care program to this group, and called "GES program dental patient 60 years", whose the purpose is to give these patients overall health. Nationally, it is important to assess the effective coverage between the potential demand of the patient and the offer delivered by the program. Justification: To assess the effective coverage of the ”GES program dental patient 60 years”, is based on the need to identify gaps in care, comprehensive dental patients, according to initial oral conditions demand, and received dental treatment related. Purpose: To assess the effective coverage of the regime of guarantees explicit in health, dental program 60 years, at family health center Penco - Lirquen, between the years 2012 and 2014. Material and Methods: Quantitative research, observational, cross-sectional, analytical type based on the review of all medical records, corresponding to patients seen in the dental GES program in Center of Family Health Penco – Lirquén, Talcahuano Health Service, years 2012-2014. To determine the effective coverage of the program GES association between oral health conditions upon admission and treatments performed was evaluated, as well as, oral health coverage over demand , coverage regarding adherence and utilization of services. Statistical analyzes were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 statistical software. For evaluation descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used, with use of nonparametric methods based on analysis chi - square of independence and V of Cramer analysis to quantify association. Outcomes: Research shows that the beneficiaries of patients, the most prevalent at the time of admission to the program pathology corresponded to dental caries and 84.6 % of them, 97.2 % received final restorative treatment. Periodontal disease was present in 26.6 %, of which 75.4 % received periodontal treatment. The chi - square showed a strong and significant association between illness and treatment, indicating that there is an effective hedge in both cases. It also noted that upon admission to the program 95.8 % had some degree of edentulous, of which corresponds to the partial toothless bimaxilar highest percentage with 51.4%, followed by toothless upper part (15%). Regarding prosthetic appliance of patients it had to 76.2% recorded absence of prosthesis.
Background: One of the demographic characteristics around the world is the significant increase in the population of older adults. In Chile, there is an oral health care program to this group, and called "GES program dental patient 60 years", whose the purpose is to give these patients overall health. Nationally, it is important to assess the effective coverage between the potential demand of the patient and the offer delivered by the program. Justification: To assess the effective coverage of the ”GES program dental patient 60 years”, is based on the need to identify gaps in care, comprehensive dental patients, according to initial oral conditions demand, and received dental treatment related. Purpose: To assess the effective coverage of the regime of guarantees explicit in health, dental program 60 years, at family health center Penco - Lirquen, between the years 2012 and 2014. Material and Methods: Quantitative research, observational, cross-sectional, analytical type based on the review of all medical records, corresponding to patients seen in the dental GES program in Center of Family Health Penco – Lirquén, Talcahuano Health Service, years 2012-2014. To determine the effective coverage of the program GES association between oral health conditions upon admission and treatments performed was evaluated, as well as, oral health coverage over demand , coverage regarding adherence and utilization of services. Statistical analyzes were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 statistical software. For evaluation descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used, with use of nonparametric methods based on analysis chi - square of independence and V of Cramer analysis to quantify association. Outcomes: Research shows that the beneficiaries of patients, the most prevalent at the time of admission to the program pathology corresponded to dental caries and 84.6 % of them, 97.2 % received final restorative treatment. Periodontal disease was present in 26.6 %, of which 75.4 % received periodontal treatment. The chi - square showed a strong and significant association between illness and treatment, indicating that there is an effective hedge in both cases. It also noted that upon admission to the program 95.8 % had some degree of edentulous, of which corresponds to the partial toothless bimaxilar highest percentage with 51.4%, followed by toothless upper part (15%). Regarding prosthetic appliance of patients it had to 76.2% recorded absence of prosthesis.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Grado de Magíster en Ciencias Odontológicas)
Palabras clave
Adulto mayor, Cobertura efectiva, Salud oral