Efecto de la InclusiĆ³n de Harina de Plasma Bovino en la Dieta de Individuos Hembras Triploides de Trucha Arcoiris (Oncorhynchus myskiss, Walbaun), Sobre la Respuesta Productiva en su Primera Etapa de Desarrollo
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Se estudiĆ³ el efecto de la inclusiĆ³n, en distintos porcentajes (2% y 5%), de harina
de plasma bovino en reemplazo de la harina de pescado en la dieta, sobre la respuesta
productiva de hembras triploides de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus my kiss, Walbaum), en
su primera etapa de desarrollo.
Este ensayo se realizĆ³ desde los 0,267 gr. por 180 dĆas, evaluando la respuesta
productiva a travƩs de las variables, peso vivo, ganancia de peso, tasa de crecimiento
especĆfico, consumo de alimento, eficiencia de conversiĆ³n alimenticia, longitudes totales,
Ćndice de condiciĆ³n, mortalidad y conveniencia econĆ³mica del uso de harina de pl asma
bovino en reemplazo de harina de pescado.
Se encontraron diferencias estadĆsticamente significativas (P < 0,05) en las
ganancias de peso, longitud totales y las eficiencias de conversiĆ³n alimenticias entre los
grupos de peces en experimentaciĆ³n; siendo siempre los peces alimentados con 5% de
harina de plasma bovino (tratamiento 3) los que presentaron los mejores valores para cada
variable, seguidos de los peces alimentados con inclusiĆ³n de 2% de harina de plasma
bovino (tratamiento 2) y finalmente de los alimentados con el tratamiento 1 o control (sin
inclusiĆ³n de harina de plasma bovino).
Para las variables tasa de crecimiento especĆfico, Ćndice de condiciĆ³n, consumo de
alimento y mortalidad, no se observaron diferencias estadĆsticamente significativas
(P > 0,05) entre los tres tratamientos.
El anĆ”lisis de costos evidenciĆ³ diferencias estadĆsticamente significativas
(P < 0,05) entre los peces alimentados con el tratamiento 3 con respecto a los peces
pertenecientes al tratamiento control y los del tratamiento 2; siendo los peces
alimentados con el tratamiento 2, los que lograron los menores costos de producciĆ³n del
kg. de trucha bruto.
lt was studied the effect of the inclusion of different percentages (2% and 5%) of plasma bovine meal, in diet of triploid female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss, Walbaum) on productive responses in fry phase. The experiment was start in October 1997 and !asted for 180 days. The initial mean weight of rainbow trout was O, 267 gr .. In these trial, the productive responses was evaluated through the variables body weight, gaining weight, total growth, specific growth rate, feed consumption, feeding efficiency, condition index, mortality and cost analysis of the bovine plasma meal as a partial substitute for fish meal. Statistically significant differences (P < 0,05), were found in the fishes of the tri al , for the body weight, gaining weight, total growth and feeding efficiency. The results show that the fishes fed with an experimental feed containing 5% plasma bovine meal (treatment 3) as a partial substitute of fishmeal, have the best values for each variable. The fishes fed with an experimental feed containing 2% plasma bovine meal (treatment 2) in the diet, have the second best valuables and finally the control diet or treatment 1 (fishes fed with an experimental feed not containing plasma bovine mea!). The specific growth rate, feed consumption, condition index and mortality shows no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) in the fishes of the experimental treatments. The cost analysis shows statistically significant differences (P < 0,05) between the fishes of treatment 3 in compare with fishes of treatment 2 and treatment l . At last fishes fed with treatment 2 show the lowest gross cost for kg. production.
lt was studied the effect of the inclusion of different percentages (2% and 5%) of plasma bovine meal, in diet of triploid female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss, Walbaum) on productive responses in fry phase. The experiment was start in October 1997 and !asted for 180 days. The initial mean weight of rainbow trout was O, 267 gr .. In these trial, the productive responses was evaluated through the variables body weight, gaining weight, total growth, specific growth rate, feed consumption, feeding efficiency, condition index, mortality and cost analysis of the bovine plasma meal as a partial substitute for fish meal. Statistically significant differences (P < 0,05), were found in the fishes of the tri al , for the body weight, gaining weight, total growth and feeding efficiency. The results show that the fishes fed with an experimental feed containing 5% plasma bovine meal (treatment 3) as a partial substitute of fishmeal, have the best values for each variable. The fishes fed with an experimental feed containing 2% plasma bovine meal (treatment 2) in the diet, have the second best valuables and finally the control diet or treatment 1 (fishes fed with an experimental feed not containing plasma bovine mea!). The specific growth rate, feed consumption, condition index and mortality shows no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) in the fishes of the experimental treatments. The cost analysis shows statistically significant differences (P < 0,05) between the fishes of treatment 3 in compare with fishes of treatment 2 and treatment l . At last fishes fed with treatment 2 show the lowest gross cost for kg. production.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Acuicultura)
Palabras clave
Trucha Arco Iris, AlimentaciĆ³n