Aplicación de shock térmicos a zigotos de argopecten purpuratus; efecto sobre el crecimiento, supervivencia y la verificación de obtención de individuas triploides durante el desarrollo larval
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En este trabajo se evalúo el efecto de la aplicación de_ shock térmicos durante la
meiosis I (período post-fecundación) sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia larval de
Argopecten purpuratus y se verifico la obtención de triploides. Los resultados obtenidos
nos indican que existe una diferencia significativa entre los tratanúentos shock frio y cálido
con respecto al control, favorable para el crecimiento y supervivencia larval. En cuanto a la
obtención de triploides en diferentes estadios (embrionario, larva Véliger, larva Pedivéliger)
estos presentaron bajos porcentajes de triploidización, estos resultados muestra que el
incremento del crecimiento y supervivencia larval no estaría asociado directamente con la
condición triploide de estas larvas. Pero si estaría relacionada a una mayor disponibilidad
relativa de alimento producto de la mayor mortalidad observada en las larvas sometidas a un
shock térmico.
In this work, the aplication of termics shocks was evaluated during the rneiosis I (period post-fecundation) over the grow the and larval survivel of Argopecten purpuratus and also triploide obtention was verificated of. The results that were obtained indicate that exist a significative difference arnong the cold and warm shock treatrnent respect to the control, in groutw rate and larval survivel. Respect to the triploides obtention in differents stage (ernbryonic, larva Véliger, larva Pedivéliger) low percentages of triploidization were observed, this results shows that the gairn in grown the and larval survivel, would not be asociated directy with the triploide condition of this larve. But if could be relationed to a high relative disponibility of rneals, product of larger rnortality watched, in larves to subrnitted to therrnic shock.
In this work, the aplication of termics shocks was evaluated during the rneiosis I (period post-fecundation) over the grow the and larval survivel of Argopecten purpuratus and also triploide obtention was verificated of. The results that were obtained indicate that exist a significative difference arnong the cold and warm shock treatrnent respect to the control, in groutw rate and larval survivel. Respect to the triploides obtention in differents stage (ernbryonic, larva Véliger, larva Pedivéliger) low percentages of triploidization were observed, this results shows that the gairn in grown the and larval survivel, would not be asociated directy with the triploide condition of this larve. But if could be relationed to a high relative disponibility of rneals, product of larger rnortality watched, in larves to subrnitted to therrnic shock.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Acuicultura)
Palabras clave
Agropeten purpuratus, Shock térmico, Desarrollo larval