DiseƱo de preparaciĆ³n para carillas de porcelana
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El uso de carillas de porcelana se ha convertido en una tƩcnica ampliamente conocida,
confiable y exitosa para restaurar piezas dentarias con discromĆas, desgastes, malformaciones o
fracturas, debido al crecimiento de la demanda por parte del paciente que busca obtener
restauraciones estƩticas y conservadoras. Sin embargo, existe controversia y permanece la duda
respecto si los diferentes diseƱos de preparaciones dentarias pueden afectar o no la resistencia a
la fractura , o si un diseƱo es superior a otro en relaciĆ³n a la estĆ©tica.
El objetivo de esta revisiĆ³n bibliogrĆ”fica es determinar un diseƱo de preparaciĆ³n dentaria
estƔndar para carillas de porcelana que otorgue no solo estƩtica, sino tambiƩn que sea resistente a
las cargas funcionales, y garantice resultados satisfactorios a largo plazo.
Los trabajos expuestos muestran diferencias en los diseƱos de preparaciĆ³n para carillas de
porcelana en relaciĆ³n a la fractura y estĆ©tica.
Luego de una revisiĆ³n exhaustiva, se puede afirmar que mientras el remanente dentario y
la estĆ©tica del caso lo permita, la preparaciĆ³n de elecciĆ³n serĆ” siempre la mĆ”s conservadora, es
decir, el diseƱo tipo "ventana" sin reducciĆ³n del borde incisal sobre todo a nivel de los incisivos
superiores, que soporta de mejor manera las cargas a nivel palatino.
En los casos donde la estĆ©tica sea primordial, o se necesite restituir una funciĆ³n, el diseƱo
de preparaciĆ³n de elecciĆ³n serĆ” de tipo "butt joint", es decir, la preparaciĆ³n con desgaste del borde
incisal en 1,5mm en forma recta y la pared palatina intacta. Un diseƱo de preparaciĆ³n con un gran
chamfer palatino no se recomienda, ya que crea una extensiĆ³n muy delgada de la cerĆ”mica en un
Ɣrea de mƔximo stress.
Respecto de las demƔs variables, influyen en el Ʃxito de las carillas de porcelana a largo
plazo: La cantidad de remanente dentario, la severidad de la discromĆa y el agente de cementaciĆ³n
utilizado. Las variables edad, sexo, y aislaciĆ³n previa a la cementaciĆ³n de carillas no fueron
estadĆsticamente significativos para la longevidad de las mismas.
Porcelain veneers have become a well-known procedure nowadays, a reliable and successful technique for restoring discolored, worn, malformed or fractured teeth, due to growing patient demand for esthetic and conservative restorations. However, there is still controversy and confusion about different preparation designs that might affect the resistance to fracture of porcelain veneers, and whether one design or another is better in terms of aesthetics. The aim of this study is to determine a standard porcelain veneer preparation design that allows not only esthetics, but also that is strong enough to resist functional loads, and guarantee a long term success. The investigations under analysis show differences in tooth preparation designs for porcelain veneers regarding fracture load and esthetics. After an exhaustive bibliographic review, we can affirm that as long as it is sufficient tooth structure and the esthetics allow it, the preparation of choice is always the most conservative one, which is the "window" preparation design (no reduction of the incisal! edge) especially for upper incisors because they can manage functional loads in better ways thanks to the palatal surface. In cases where esthetics is compromised, the design of choice will be the "butt joint" preparation, which includes the incisal! overlap and a 1,5mm incisal reduction without a palatal chamfer. We don Ā·t recommend a preparation design with a wide palatal chamfer because it carries a very thin porcelain surface in a maximum stress area. Variables such as tooth surface loss, discoloration severity, and the choice of a luting agent, did influence the outcome of porcelain veneers. Others, like gender, age and use of rubber dam during cementation were not statistically significant in terms of longevity in porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers have become a well-known procedure nowadays, a reliable and successful technique for restoring discolored, worn, malformed or fractured teeth, due to growing patient demand for esthetic and conservative restorations. However, there is still controversy and confusion about different preparation designs that might affect the resistance to fracture of porcelain veneers, and whether one design or another is better in terms of aesthetics. The aim of this study is to determine a standard porcelain veneer preparation design that allows not only esthetics, but also that is strong enough to resist functional loads, and guarantee a long term success. The investigations under analysis show differences in tooth preparation designs for porcelain veneers regarding fracture load and esthetics. After an exhaustive bibliographic review, we can affirm that as long as it is sufficient tooth structure and the esthetics allow it, the preparation of choice is always the most conservative one, which is the "window" preparation design (no reduction of the incisal! edge) especially for upper incisors because they can manage functional loads in better ways thanks to the palatal surface. In cases where esthetics is compromised, the design of choice will be the "butt joint" preparation, which includes the incisal! overlap and a 1,5mm incisal reduction without a palatal chamfer. We don Ā·t recommend a preparation design with a wide palatal chamfer because it carries a very thin porcelain surface in a maximum stress area. Variables such as tooth surface loss, discoloration severity, and the choice of a luting agent, did influence the outcome of porcelain veneers. Others, like gender, age and use of rubber dam during cementation were not statistically significant in terms of longevity in porcelain veneers.
Tesis (MagĆster en OdontologĆa, EspecializaciĆ³n en RehabilitaciĆ³n Oral)
Palabras clave
Materiales Dentales, Porcelana