Análisis de la estimulación psicomotora en las clases de Educación Física de segundo ciclo en dos jardines infantiles de la Región Metropolitana
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La investigación tuvo como propósito evaluar y ver cómo inciden las clases de educación física en los niños y las niñas de colegios y jardines infantiles, dado que en la actualidad, vemos que el desarrollo de los niños/as ha ido cambiando ya sea por la estimulación que tienen en sus casa o por la clara educación que han tenido en los colegios por parte de los educadores.
La metodología usada fue una investigación de campo que constaba de dos test, con una muestra total de 142 niños/as en el test de patrones motores de David L. Gallahue y 133 niños/as en el test motor de Ozeretski.
Para esto igualmente quisimos enfocarnos en realizar observaciones a ambos establecimientos, uno es un colegio particular que tiene profesores de educación física para los preescolares, y el otro es un jardín JUNJI, que trabaja solamente con Educadoras de párvulo y sus respectivas técnicos, con esto quisimos demostrar cuán importante es que el párvulo reciba, la educación apropiada para su edad, y estas están a cargo de realizar todas las clases que tienen los niños/as del establecimiento.
Como resultados pudimos obtener que en el colegio particular se encontraron mucho mejor en todo lo que respecta al desarrollo motor grueso, particularmente en los patrones motores, como salto, carrera y lanzamiento, sin embargo demostraron muy deficientes en lo que es desarrollo motor fino y resolución de problema. En cuanto al jardín JUNJI se demostró que se encuentran con desarrollo motor fino mucho más amplio, pero deficiente en el desarrollo motor grueso.
Con lo anterior podemos demostrar que el trabajo de los educadores o profesores es lo que interviene en el desarrollo de los menores.
The purpose of the research was to evaluate and see how physical education classes affect children in kindergartens and preschools, since today we see that the development of children has been changing either by stimulation That they have in their homes or by the clear education they have had in the schools by the educators. The methodology used was a field investigation that consisted of two tests, with a total sample of 142 children in the motor pattern test of David L. Gallahue and 133 children in the Ozeretski motor test. For this we also wanted to focus on making observations to both establishments, one is a private school that has physical education teachers for preschoolers, and the other is a JUNJI garden, which works only with nursery school teachers and their respective technicians, who with this We wanted to show how important it is that the child receives, education appropriate to his age. So in charge of performing all the classes that have the children of the establishment. As results we could obtain that in private school they found much better in everything concerning the gross motor development, particularly in the motor patterns, like jump, race and launch, nevertheless they demonstrated very deficient in what is fine motor development and resolution of problem. As for the JUNJI garden it was shown that they are found with much more extensive fine motor development, but deficient in gross motor development. With the above we can demonstrate that the work of educators or teachers is what is involved in the development of children.
The purpose of the research was to evaluate and see how physical education classes affect children in kindergartens and preschools, since today we see that the development of children has been changing either by stimulation That they have in their homes or by the clear education they have had in the schools by the educators. The methodology used was a field investigation that consisted of two tests, with a total sample of 142 children in the motor pattern test of David L. Gallahue and 133 children in the Ozeretski motor test. For this we also wanted to focus on making observations to both establishments, one is a private school that has physical education teachers for preschoolers, and the other is a JUNJI garden, which works only with nursery school teachers and their respective technicians, who with this We wanted to show how important it is that the child receives, education appropriate to his age. So in charge of performing all the classes that have the children of the establishment. As results we could obtain that in private school they found much better in everything concerning the gross motor development, particularly in the motor patterns, like jump, race and launch, nevertheless they demonstrated very deficient in what is fine motor development and resolution of problem. As for the JUNJI garden it was shown that they are found with much more extensive fine motor development, but deficient in gross motor development. With the above we can demonstrate that the work of educators or teachers is what is involved in the development of children.
Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Educación Física, Jardin Infantil