Implementación de prácticas inclusivas en el trabajo de aula una manera de potenciar aprendizajes respetando y reconociendo la diversidad
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La educación en Chile durante los últimos años ha tomado como desafío otorgar educación para todos, por lo que, dentro de sus políticas, se ha visualizado la incorporación de prácticas inclusivas que buscan entregar respuestas educativas efectivas, considerando el respeto a la diversidad existente dentro del aula. No obstante, la realidad a la que nos enfrentamos da cuenta del desconocimiento que existe frente al concepto de inclusión, observándose aún prácticas homogeneizadoras en la cuales no se respetan las diferencias.
Este proyecto realizado en un establecimiento municipal de la comuna de La Florida, busca implementar un plan de desarrollo de prácticas inclusivas que formen parte del trabajo de aula, en el cual se respete y se reconozca la diversidad, permitiendo el desarrollo y potenciación de aprendizajes de cada uno de los estudiantes. Dichas prácticas están basadas en el Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje.
El trabajo ejecutado permite concluir que dentro del establecimiento los docentes muestran un interés parcial por desarrollar prácticas pedagógicas inclusivas, lo cual se asocia a factores como la falta de tiempo para el trabajo colaborativo, la existencia de un curriculum discapacitante y la realidad contextual a la cual se ven enfrentados, generando así desesperanza y desmotivación por favorecer sus propias prácticas y transformarse en actores sociales capaces de cambiar la realidad en la que se encuentran.
One of the challenges that Chilean Education is facing nowadays is granting equal educational opportunities for all students. In this view, the current ministry of education is willing to promote inclusive pedagogical practices as a strategy to ensure effective learning in students, considering diversity among them. Nevertheless, a deep ignorance regarding the concept of inclusion in education is observed in different educational contexts. Consequently, individual differences are not viewed as an asset in the classroom. On the contrary, homogeneity is the general rule.. The project, which was carried out in a municipal school in La Florida County, aims at implementing a plan of development of inclusive practices in the classroom that potentiates learning of all students in the classroom, considering their diversity. The set of inclusive practices is based on the Universal Design for Learning. After careful consideration of the steps accomplished in this project, it is possible to conclude that teachers are partially willing to develop inclusive pedagogical practices. Among the reasons that account for such discovery are the little time available for collaborative work, a curriculum that cannot be modified, and a discouraging educational context. In this view, teachers do not show willingness to improve their pedagogical practices in order to become social agents of changing their educational context.
One of the challenges that Chilean Education is facing nowadays is granting equal educational opportunities for all students. In this view, the current ministry of education is willing to promote inclusive pedagogical practices as a strategy to ensure effective learning in students, considering diversity among them. Nevertheless, a deep ignorance regarding the concept of inclusion in education is observed in different educational contexts. Consequently, individual differences are not viewed as an asset in the classroom. On the contrary, homogeneity is the general rule.. The project, which was carried out in a municipal school in La Florida County, aims at implementing a plan of development of inclusive practices in the classroom that potentiates learning of all students in the classroom, considering their diversity. The set of inclusive practices is based on the Universal Design for Learning. After careful consideration of the steps accomplished in this project, it is possible to conclude that teachers are partially willing to develop inclusive pedagogical practices. Among the reasons that account for such discovery are the little time available for collaborative work, a curriculum that cannot be modified, and a discouraging educational context. In this view, teachers do not show willingness to improve their pedagogical practices in order to become social agents of changing their educational context.
Tesis (Magíster en Potenciación de Aprendizajes)
Palabras clave
Educación Inclusiva, Chile, Prácticas Inclusivas, Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje, Trabajo Colaborativo