Estrategias didácticas efectivas utilizadas antes de leer para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de cuarto año básico del liceo Gabriela Mistral de Melipilla
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
La investigación tiene como propósito evaluar estrategias metodológicas utilizadas antes de leer, tales como: la elaboración de preguntas previas y formulación de hipótesis, que favorecen la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de cuarto año básico del Liceo Municipal Gabriela Mistral de la comuna de Melipilla.
Consiste en una investigación cualitativa, basada en el enfoque de investigación acción que busca comprender la realidad dentro de un contexto ante un determinado fenómeno, de carácter descriptivo, donde se analizarán los diversos aspectos o componentes. Para ello se recogerá información a partir de la observación a participantes, cuya muestra es por conveniencia y variación máxima. Dicha muestra se dividirá en tres niveles: adecuado, elemental e insuficiente, según estándares de aprendizaje SIMCE, seleccionando a un estudiante por cada nivel. Dicha muestra no pretende ser estadísticamente representativa, sino que tiene como finalidad analizar los efectos o consecuencias del uso de estrategias antes de la lectura.
Con esto se pretende apoyar el quehacer educativo de los docentes de Lenguaje y Comunicación, para que sean poseedores de un amplio conocimiento de las estrategias metodológicas abordadas antes de leer, y junto con ello desarrollar la habilidad de comprensión lectora en los estudiantes y así mejorar los resultados en la evaluación nacional estandarizada SIMCE.
The research aims to evaluate methodological strategies used before reading, such as developing and formulating hypotheses previous questions, that promote reading comprehension in the fourth year of primary school students of Liceo Municipal Gabriela Mistral, in Melipilla. It consists of a qualitative research, based on action research approach that seeks to understand the reality within a given context, where various aspects or components are analyzed. The information will be collected from the observation to participants, whose sample is for convenience and maximum variation. This sample was divided into three levels: adequate, basic and insufficient as learning standards SIMCE selecting a student for each level. This sample is not intended to be statistically representative, it is to analyze the effects or consequences of the use of reading strategies before. The objective is intended to support the educational work of teachers of Language and Communication, to be possessing extensive knowledge of the methodological strategies addressed before reading, and to develop the skill of reading comprehension in students and thus improve results in standardized national assessment SIMCE.
The research aims to evaluate methodological strategies used before reading, such as developing and formulating hypotheses previous questions, that promote reading comprehension in the fourth year of primary school students of Liceo Municipal Gabriela Mistral, in Melipilla. It consists of a qualitative research, based on action research approach that seeks to understand the reality within a given context, where various aspects or components are analyzed. The information will be collected from the observation to participants, whose sample is for convenience and maximum variation. This sample was divided into three levels: adequate, basic and insufficient as learning standards SIMCE selecting a student for each level. This sample is not intended to be statistically representative, it is to analyze the effects or consequences of the use of reading strategies before. The objective is intended to support the educational work of teachers of Language and Communication, to be possessing extensive knowledge of the methodological strategies addressed before reading, and to develop the skill of reading comprehension in students and thus improve results in standardized national assessment SIMCE.
Tesis (Magíster en Lenguaje y Comunicación)
Palabras clave
Comprensión de Lectura, Antes de leer, Estrategias efectivas, Chile, Comuna de Melipilla, Región metropolitana