Revisión de las disposiciones del manual de carreteras del MOP para muros de contención diseñados en base a corrimientos admisibles: análisis utilizando los registros sísmicos del terremoto del Maule del 2010 en Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta tesis tiene por objetivo revisar las disposiciones actuales para el diseño sísmico de muros de contención basado en desplazamientos admisibles que se presentan en el Manual de Carreteras del Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP).
Dicho manual propone curvas envolventes, separadas por tipo de suelo, que permiten determinar un coeficiente sísmico de diseño asociado a un cierto nivel de corrimiento permanente esperado para el muro. Estas envolventes se basan en el concepto del bloque deslizante desarrollado por Newmark (1965), y en particular, en las expresiones analíticas propuestas por Richards y Elms (1979).
Dado que estas envolventes de diseño consideran la base de datos del terremoto de Chile Central del 03 de marzo de 1985, se hace necesario evaluar su pertinencia para sismos severos que han ocurrido con posterioridad.
En este trabajo se realiza un análisis utilizando los registros sísmicos del terremoto del Maule de 2010. En primer lugar, éstos se recopilan y clasifican según tipo de suelo de acuerdo a la norma NCh 433 of. 1996 y al decreto supremo D.S.61 (2011). Luego, se programa una rutina en el programa MATLAB® que permite obtener el desplazamiento sísmico de un muro de contención cualquiera según el método del bloque deslizante de Newmark.
De esta manera, se obtienen curvas que relacionan el corrimiento permanente con el coeficiente sísmico de diseño del muro para cada uno de los registros sísmicos considerados, dando como producto nuevas curvas envolventes para las distintas categorías de suelos de fundación.
A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se entregan recomendaciones respecto de cuándo resulta conveniente utilizar ya sea las envolventes propuestas en el Manual de Carreteras del MOP o las curvas desarrolladas en esta investigación.
The main goal of this thesis is to review the current provisions for displacement-based seismic design of retaining walls included in the Highway Manual of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP). This manual proposes a series of envelope curves, grouped by soil conditions, that allow to determine a seismic coefficient (for design purposes) associated with a certain level of expected lateral displacements for the wall. These curves are based on the sliding-block concept developed by Newmark (1965), and in particular, on the analytical expressions proposed by Richards and Elms (1979). Given that these envelope curves consider the database from the March 3, 1985, Central Chile earthquake, it is necessary to evaluate their suitability for the strong earthquakes that have happened subsequently. In this work, an analysis using the strong motion records from the 2010, Maule, Chile earthquake is performed. First, these records are collected and grouped by soil conditions according to both the NCh 433 of. 1996 and the D.S.61 (2011) standards. After that, the software MATLAB is used to develop a routine that allow to obtain seismic displacements of retaining walls using the Newmark’s sliding-block method. In this way, a series of curves are obtained. They relate the permanent lateral displacement and the wall’s seismic coefficient for each one of the strong motion records considered. It results in new envelope curves for the different foundation soil categories. From the results obtained, recommendations about when it is preferable to use the envelope curves from the MOP’s Highway Manual or the ones developed in this research are given.
The main goal of this thesis is to review the current provisions for displacement-based seismic design of retaining walls included in the Highway Manual of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP). This manual proposes a series of envelope curves, grouped by soil conditions, that allow to determine a seismic coefficient (for design purposes) associated with a certain level of expected lateral displacements for the wall. These curves are based on the sliding-block concept developed by Newmark (1965), and in particular, on the analytical expressions proposed by Richards and Elms (1979). Given that these envelope curves consider the database from the March 3, 1985, Central Chile earthquake, it is necessary to evaluate their suitability for the strong earthquakes that have happened subsequently. In this work, an analysis using the strong motion records from the 2010, Maule, Chile earthquake is performed. First, these records are collected and grouped by soil conditions according to both the NCh 433 of. 1996 and the D.S.61 (2011) standards. After that, the software MATLAB is used to develop a routine that allow to obtain seismic displacements of retaining walls using the Newmark’s sliding-block method. In this way, a series of curves are obtained. They relate the permanent lateral displacement and the wall’s seismic coefficient for each one of the strong motion records considered. It results in new envelope curves for the different foundation soil categories. From the results obtained, recommendations about when it is preferable to use the envelope curves from the MOP’s Highway Manual or the ones developed in this research are given.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Muros de Contención, Diseño y Construcción, Chile, Diseño Antisísmico