β-glucanos, su producción y propiedades en microalgas con énfasis en el género Nannochloropsis (Ochrophyta, Eustigmatales)
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Universidad de Valparaíso. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
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Las microalgas son microorganismos eucariontes fotosintéticos capaces de producir una amplia gama de compuestos de interés comercial, tales como vitaminas, antioxidantes, ácidos grasos omega-3 e inmunoestimulantes como los ß-glucanos. Los ß-glucanos son polímeros de D-glucosa unidos por enlaces ß-1,3 o ß-1,4 los cuales pueden presentar ramificaciones de enlaces ß-1,6. Los más conocidos en microalgas son el paramilón (presente en euglenoides) y la crisolaminarina (presente en diatomeas). En el género Nannochloropsis, (Ochrophyta), la secuenciación de los genomas y los transcriptomas de algunas de sus especies ha evidenciado que también serían capaces de sintetizar ß-glucanos de enlaces ß-1,3 con ramificaciones ß-1,6. Si bien, existen pocos estudios con respecto a dichos compuestos en estas especies, se sugiere que corresponderían a moléculas de reserva energética de carbono, que reemplazan el almidón y que presentan un comportamiento similar al de los lípidos de reserva como el triacilglicerol (TAG). Por lo que, puden competir por las mismas moléculas precursoras derivadas de la fijación de carbono. La presencia de los ß-glucanos junto con su caracterización y la validación de sus propiedades beneficiosas para la salud humana, pueden otorgar un potencial interés económico al cultivo de Nannochloropsis. Estos cultivos, han adquirido un enorme interés debido a su alto contenido de TAG para la producción de biodiesel o ácido eicosapentanoico (EPA) para la alimentación de rotíferos, peces y humanos con fines nutracéuticos. Esta revisión tiene como finalidad evidenciar las propiedades de los ß-glucanos en microalgas y el uso potencial de Nannochloropsis en la producción de esas moléculas.
Microalgae are photosynthetic eukariotic microorganisms capable of producing a wide range of compounds of commercial interest, such as vitamins, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and immunostimulants like ß-glucans. ß-glucans are D-glucose polymers linked by ß-1,3 and/or ß-1,4 bonds, which can present branches of ß-1,6 bonds. The most well known in microalgae are the paramylon (in euglenoids) and the chrysolaminarin (in diatoms). In the genus Nannochloropsis, (Ochrophyta), the genome and transcriptome sequencing of species has shown that they are also likely to be able to synthesize ß-glucans with ß-1,3 bonds with ß-1,6 side branches. There are few studies about these ß-glucans in those species but it is suggested that they are carbon/energy-storage molecules that replace starch and perform similarly to storage lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG), competing for the same precursor molecules produced by the carbon fixation. The presence of ß-glucans, along with characterizing them and confirming their beneficial properties for human health, could grant a high potential to the culture of Nannochloropsis with commercial purposes. These cultures have already gained great interest because of their high contents of TAG used to produce biodiesel or eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) to feed rotifers, fish or for nutraceutical purposes in humans. The objective of this review is to describe the properties of b-glucans in microalgae and the potential use of Nannochloropsis in the production of these molecules.
Microalgae are photosynthetic eukariotic microorganisms capable of producing a wide range of compounds of commercial interest, such as vitamins, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and immunostimulants like ß-glucans. ß-glucans are D-glucose polymers linked by ß-1,3 and/or ß-1,4 bonds, which can present branches of ß-1,6 bonds. The most well known in microalgae are the paramylon (in euglenoids) and the chrysolaminarin (in diatoms). In the genus Nannochloropsis, (Ochrophyta), the genome and transcriptome sequencing of species has shown that they are also likely to be able to synthesize ß-glucans with ß-1,3 bonds with ß-1,6 side branches. There are few studies about these ß-glucans in those species but it is suggested that they are carbon/energy-storage molecules that replace starch and perform similarly to storage lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG), competing for the same precursor molecules produced by the carbon fixation. The presence of ß-glucans, along with characterizing them and confirming their beneficial properties for human health, could grant a high potential to the culture of Nannochloropsis with commercial purposes. These cultures have already gained great interest because of their high contents of TAG used to produce biodiesel or eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) to feed rotifers, fish or for nutraceutical purposes in humans. The objective of this review is to describe the properties of b-glucans in microalgae and the potential use of Nannochloropsis in the production of these molecules.
Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.
Palabras clave
Microalgas, Nutracéuticos, ß-glucanos, Nannochloropsis
Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr. vol.52 no.1 Valparaíso Apr. 2017