Obesidad, autoestima y condición física en escolares

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Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Introduction: Childhood obesity is a serious public health issue, since it generates adverse results for physical and mental health. Objective: To correlate nutritional status and levels of self-esteem and physical performance in schoolchildren aged between 8 and 10. Materials and methods: 236 students participated, 117 male and 119 female, aged between 8 and 10, from two public schools in the municipality of Temuco. Weight, height, body mass index, mass/ fat percentage, waist contour, physical condition, hours of physical exercise per week and self-esteem were evaluated. Results: Overnutrition was documented in 43.6% of the students; children classified as obese (19%) presented higher levels of fat mass and waist contour (p<0.001), and also had a lower physical performance (p<0.05). The hours of physical exercise per week and the level of self-esteem were lower in obese school children, although this figure was not significant (p≥0.05). Conclusions: Obesity in school-aged children reveals alterations associated with physical performance, fat mass and negative trends on self-esteem. Despite developing at an early stage, the consequences associated with this condition can already be seen.
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Niños, Obesidad, Condiciones físicas, Región de La Araucanía, Comuna de Temuco
Revista Facultad de Medicina. Volume 65, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 43-48
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