Aprendizajes, inclusiĆ³n y justicia social en entornos educativos multiculturales
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Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
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In the current educational setting, marked by a systematic increase in minority groups in classrooms and inequalities that are reproduced and modernized in educational contexts, the development of educational proposals modeled on the principles of inclusion, multiculturalism and social justice garners ever greater prominence and academic interest. By way of an ethnographic observational study conducted in a public school in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, this research analyzes two educational activity systems in the same academic context: teaching-learning processes based on traditional approaches and teaching-learning processes modeled on the Fifth Dimension (5D). The results show that when activity systems allow participants to make a connection between curriculum content and their cultural references, when priority is given to collaborative interaction oriented toward shared goals, and when learning aids are adapted to participants' needs, all students' chances of academic success are substantially enhanced and obstacles to their learning and participation in school are erased.
IndexaciĆ³n: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Multiculturalismo, EducaciĆ³n inclusiva, Justicia social, InvestigaciĆ³n educativa, EtnografĆa escolar
Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa. Volume 19, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 10-23