Cuantificación del rendimiento académico, y aprendizaje mediado-significativo de los aspirantes de la escuela de Investigaciones Policiales "Presidente Arturo Alessandri Palma", de clases impartidas por docentes con y sin formación policial
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La presente investigación, tiene por objetivo determinar si existe una diferencia significativa entre los Docentes con formación y sin formación policial, que prestan servicios en la Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales, con el objetivo específico de identificar cuál de los Docentes logra un mejor rendimiento académico y aprendizaje mediado-significativo. Este trabajo, corresponde a un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño exploratorio-descriptivo. La población y muestra a evaluar, está constituida por Aspirantes y Docentes del plantel formador, seleccionándose a 210 Aspirantes y 03 Docentes con formación policial y 03 Docentes sin formación policial, ejecutándose un instrumento basado en una encuesta anónima, confeccionada para medir el aprendizaje mediado-significativo, aplicándose a cada pregunta una escala likert de cinco ítems. De esta manera, Se estableció estadísticamente que los Aspirantes tienen un mejor rendimiento académico con los Docentes que no tienen formación policial, en contra parte, se estableció que los Docentes que tienen formación policial, son significativamente mejores mediadores.
The aim of this investigation is to determine whether there is a meaningful difference between trained and untrained teachers in the police area, who provide services in the Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales. The specific aims to identify which of the teachers achieves a better academic performance, and a mediated-meaningful learning. This investigation corresponds to a quantitative study focused on a descriptive exploratory design. The population and the sample are focused on police officer candidates and teachers of the training academy, selecting 210 police officer candidates, 03 trained and 03 untrained teachers in the police training area, an instrument based on anonymous survey is implemented, designed to measure the mediated-meaningful learning, applying to each question a Likert scale of five items. On one hand, it was established, statistically, that the officer candidates have a better academic performance with the non-trainined teachers. On the other hand, it was established that teachers who have a police training are significantly better mediators.
The aim of this investigation is to determine whether there is a meaningful difference between trained and untrained teachers in the police area, who provide services in the Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales. The specific aims to identify which of the teachers achieves a better academic performance, and a mediated-meaningful learning. This investigation corresponds to a quantitative study focused on a descriptive exploratory design. The population and the sample are focused on police officer candidates and teachers of the training academy, selecting 210 police officer candidates, 03 trained and 03 untrained teachers in the police training area, an instrument based on anonymous survey is implemented, designed to measure the mediated-meaningful learning, applying to each question a Likert scale of five items. On one hand, it was established, statistically, that the officer candidates have a better academic performance with the non-trainined teachers. On the other hand, it was established that teachers who have a police training are significantly better mediators.
Tesis (Magíster en Docencia para la Educación Superior)
Palabras clave
Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales (Chile), Formación Profesional, Rendimiento en la Educación Superior