Crianza de cerdos para mercado interno y externo
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
El estudio del proyecto se realizó en base al interés que ha despertado hoy las
exportaciones de cerdos a los mercados europeos y asiáticos. Por ello la carne de
cerdo se presenta como una gran oportunidad de negocio para nuestro país.
El proyecto fue analizado a través de distintas perspectivas que permiten una mejor
conformación del animal; la especie que se desea implementar en CHILE
(Camborough 22 y Macho PIC 362), basados en sus principales características donde
podemos destacar, un gran rendimiento de la canal, excelentes parámetros de calidad
de la carne, baja grasa dorsal, lo que concluye con una excelente conformación de la
canal, sin dejar de lado que se encuentra libre del gen halotano e RN y todos los
requerimientos necesarios para llevar a cabo un criadero de cerdo, donde podemos
mencionar los antecedentes legales y reglamentos, las diferentes cotizaciones y
análisis de producción del criadero de cerdo. Todo lo anterior se encuentra basado en
el Estudio de Mercado realizado para el presente proyecto, donde se puede ver el
gran interés que ha despertado en la Unión Europea y toda la comunidad Asiática por
dicho producto.
En Chile existe una asociación de criaderos de cerdos (Asprocer) los cuales trabajan
en forma conjunta con el SAG y SESMA para coordinar y desarrollar tanto las
exportaciones como el mercado nacional. En cuanto al precio de comercialización se
estima que alcanzaría los US$ 1.30 por kilogramo.
Además el proyecto se encuentra respaldado por los valores evaluativos del VAN y el
TIR para cada uno de los escenarios; tanto con capital propio y financiamiento mixto
en cuyos casos arrojaron resultados positivos. Para el escenario con capital propio el
estudio financiero arrojo los siguiente valores, un VAN de US$ 741.555 y un TIR de
21% y el caso de inversión mixta un VAN de US$ 658546,6 y un TIR de 29%.
Parámetros que presentan como una buena idea, sostenible y con amplias
expectativas de crecimiento.
The study of the project was realized based on the interest that has woken up now the exports of pigs to the European and Asian markets. For it for the pork presents itself as a big opportunity of business for our country. The project was analyzed across different perspectives that allow a better shape of the animal; the species That it is desirable to implement in CHILE (Camborough 22 and Male PIC 362), based on his principal characteristic where we can stand out, a big yield of the channel, excellent parameters of quality of the meat, greasy back fall, which he concludes with an excellent shape of the channel, without stopping of side that one finds free of the halothane gene and RN and all the necessary requests to carry out a breeding ground of pig, where we can mention the legal precedents and regulations, the different quotations and analysis of production of the breeding ground of pig. Everything previous is based on the Study of Market realized for the present project, where it is possible to see the big interest that has woken up in the European Union and the whole Asian community in the above mentioned product. In Chile there exists an affiliation of breeding grounds of gluttons (Asprocer) who are employed at joint form with the SAG and SESMA to coordinate and to develop both the exports and the national market. As for the price of commercialization it is believed that it would reach the US$ 1.30 for kilogram. Also the project is endorsed by the values evaluativos of the VAN and the TIR for each of the stages; so much with proper capital and mixed financing in whose cases threw positive results. For the stage with proper capital the financia! study threw them following values, one 741.555 and one TIR of 21 % GOES of US$ and the case of mixed investment one 658546,6 and one TIR of 29 % GOES of US$. Parameters that they presentas a good idea, sustainable and with wide expectations of growth.
The study of the project was realized based on the interest that has woken up now the exports of pigs to the European and Asian markets. For it for the pork presents itself as a big opportunity of business for our country. The project was analyzed across different perspectives that allow a better shape of the animal; the species That it is desirable to implement in CHILE (Camborough 22 and Male PIC 362), based on his principal characteristic where we can stand out, a big yield of the channel, excellent parameters of quality of the meat, greasy back fall, which he concludes with an excellent shape of the channel, without stopping of side that one finds free of the halothane gene and RN and all the necessary requests to carry out a breeding ground of pig, where we can mention the legal precedents and regulations, the different quotations and analysis of production of the breeding ground of pig. Everything previous is based on the Study of Market realized for the present project, where it is possible to see the big interest that has woken up in the European Union and the whole Asian community in the above mentioned product. In Chile there exists an affiliation of breeding grounds of gluttons (Asprocer) who are employed at joint form with the SAG and SESMA to coordinate and to develop both the exports and the national market. As for the price of commercialization it is believed that it would reach the US$ 1.30 for kilogram. Also the project is endorsed by the values evaluativos of the VAN and the TIR for each of the stages; so much with proper capital and mixed financing in whose cases threw positive results. For the stage with proper capital the financia! study threw them following values, one 741.555 and one TIR of 21 % GOES of US$ and the case of mixed investment one 658546,6 and one TIR of 29 % GOES of US$. Parameters that they presentas a good idea, sustainable and with wide expectations of growth.
Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)
Palabras clave
Industria Alimentaria, Exportaciones, Análisis de Mercado