Plan de mejoramiento para el aumento de eficiencia operaciones filtraciĆ³n y secado, planta concentrado de molibdeno
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La Planta de Molibdeno de la DivisiĆ³n El Teniente produce concentrado de Molibdeno y
tiene como principales clientes La DivisiĆ³n Andina y Molymet, empresa dedicada a los
subproductos del molibdeno.
El problema actual que tiene la planta de molibdeno DivisiĆ³n El Teniente es que no estĆ”
cumpliendo con las exigencias que pide Molymet ya que el concentrado de molibdeno
que exige y que estĆ” pactado en contrato debe tener un porcentaje de humedad como
mĆ”ximo un 8% en cada empaque de 1250 kg. Actualmente la producciĆ³n diaria de la
planta se mueve en porcentajes de humedad de entre un 11% hasta un 17%. La causa
de no cumplir las exigencias de Molymet en porcentaje de humedad trae como
consecuencia multas que van de entre 8% y 15% de humedad, USO 3 centavos/Lb MO
Fina y sobre 15 % USO 10 centavos /Lb MO Fina.
Se evaluaron dos alternativas factibles siempre pensando en la eficiencia y
mantenimiento de los costos. La primera alternativa fue optimizar el proceso actual
estableciendo una mediciĆ³n en lĆnea que hiciera rendir al mĆ”ximo los equipos
obteniendo el porcentaje de humedad adecuado en el connentrado final. Antes de estas
mediciones no existĆa ningĆŗn monitoreo de las variables por lo que las condiciones de
operaciĆ³n a la entrada eran a criterio de operario y las consecuencias de un mal
funcionamiento se veĆan a la salida del proceso cuando el concentrado de molibdeno
estaba por empacar. La segunda alternativa que se analizĆ³ para obtener un
concentrado de molibdeno con la composiciĆ³n de humedad adecuada fue analizar
tĆ©cnica y econĆ³micamente un equipo de filtrado. Se analizĆ³ un filtro a presiĆ³n marca
Hoesch que estĆ” siendo utilizado en la DivisiĆ³n Chuquicamata con excelentes
resultados. Se realizĆ³ un anĆ”lisis econĆ³mico de reemplazo de equipo bajo un indicador
econĆ³mico CAE (costo anual equivalente), que mide la depreciaciĆ³n del equipo y la
compara con los costos de mantenciĆ³n para determinar su vida Ćŗtil. Se evaluĆ³ el equipo
nuevo de filtrado a diez aƱos y se comparĆ³ con el equipo existenteĀ· arrojando que la
mejor opciĆ³n era reemplazar.
Finalmente se concluyo que la mejor alternativa econĆ³mica y tĆ©cnica era reemplazar el
equipo de filtrado con la alternativa propuesta.
The Plant of Molybdenum of the Division El Teniente takes place concentrated of Molybdenum and he has as main clients The Division Andina and Molymet, company dedicated to the by-products of the molybdenum. The current problem that has the plant of molybdenum Division El Teniente is that not this fulfilling the demands that Molymet requests the molybdenum concentrate that demands since and that this conventional one in contract should have a percentage of humidity like maximum 8% in each packing of 1250 kg. At the moment the daily production of the plant moves in percentages of humidity of among 11% until 17%. The cause of not completing the demands of Molymet in percentage of humidity results in tickets that you/they go of between 8% and 15% of humidity, USO 3 centavos/Lb Fine MO and ha ve more than enough 15% USO 10 cents 1 Lb Fine MO. Two feasible alternatives were always evaluated thinking of the efficiency and maintenance of the costs. The first alternative was to optimize the current process an on-line mensuration that made surrender to the maximum the teams obtaining the appropriate percentage of humidity in the final concentrate settling down. Before these mensurations any monitoreo of the variables didn't exist for what the operation conditions to the entrance were to operative's approach and the consequences of a bad operation were seen to the exit of the process when the molybdenum concentrate was to pack. The second alternative that was analyzed to obtain a molybdenum concentrate with the composition of appropriate humidity was to analyze technical and economically a filtrate team. A filter was analyzed to pressure it marks Hoesch that this being used in the Division Chuquicamata with excellent results. He was carried out an economic analysis of team substitution under an economic indicator he FALLS (equivalent annual cost) that it measures the depreciation of the team and it compares it with the mantenciĆ³n costs to determine their useful life. The new team of filtrate was evaluated to ten years and it was compared with the existent team throwing that the best option was to replace. Finally you concludes that the best economic alternative and technique was to replace the filtrate team with the alternative intended since to maintain the current filter in the process it meant to produce the minimum quantity and under some very enclosed operation conditions that are not always completed in to reality of the process.
The Plant of Molybdenum of the Division El Teniente takes place concentrated of Molybdenum and he has as main clients The Division Andina and Molymet, company dedicated to the by-products of the molybdenum. The current problem that has the plant of molybdenum Division El Teniente is that not this fulfilling the demands that Molymet requests the molybdenum concentrate that demands since and that this conventional one in contract should have a percentage of humidity like maximum 8% in each packing of 1250 kg. At the moment the daily production of the plant moves in percentages of humidity of among 11% until 17%. The cause of not completing the demands of Molymet in percentage of humidity results in tickets that you/they go of between 8% and 15% of humidity, USO 3 centavos/Lb Fine MO and ha ve more than enough 15% USO 10 cents 1 Lb Fine MO. Two feasible alternatives were always evaluated thinking of the efficiency and maintenance of the costs. The first alternative was to optimize the current process an on-line mensuration that made surrender to the maximum the teams obtaining the appropriate percentage of humidity in the final concentrate settling down. Before these mensurations any monitoreo of the variables didn't exist for what the operation conditions to the entrance were to operative's approach and the consequences of a bad operation were seen to the exit of the process when the molybdenum concentrate was to pack. The second alternative that was analyzed to obtain a molybdenum concentrate with the composition of appropriate humidity was to analyze technical and economically a filtrate team. A filter was analyzed to pressure it marks Hoesch that this being used in the Division Chuquicamata with excellent results. He was carried out an economic analysis of team substitution under an economic indicator he FALLS (equivalent annual cost) that it measures the depreciation of the team and it compares it with the mantenciĆ³n costs to determine their useful life. The new team of filtrate was evaluated to ten years and it was compared with the existent team throwing that the best option was to replace. Finally you concludes that the best economic alternative and technique was to replace the filtrate team with the alternative intended since to maintain the current filter in the process it meant to produce the minimum quantity and under some very enclosed operation conditions that are not always completed in to reality of the process.
Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)
Palabras clave
Molibdeno, Eficiencia Industrial